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이 논문은 김유정의 소설이 위기 상황에 놓인 인간의 심리를 묘사하는 데 탁월하다는 지점에서 출발한다. 김유정은 피폐해진 농촌이나 들병이로 나선 여성들처럼 식민치하 농촌의 현실을 고발하는 계몽적 주제를 선택하지만, 정작 그가 써낸 서사는 주어진 삶의 방식을 스스로 파괴해버리는 일탈의 순간과 사회적 질서 밖의 자유를 옹호하고 동경하는 감성적 충동으로 마무리되는 경향이 있다. 이때 이러한 일탈을 감행하지 못하는 일상적인 인물군상은 현실의 폭력을 감내하는 과정에서 심리적으로 병든 신경증자들이 된다. 일반적으로 김유정의 소설은 토속성과 해학성 등의 범주에서 읽혀 왔다. 그러나 이 논문에서는 농촌이 ‘땅과 가족’이라는 전통적인 가치를 절대시하고 그에 따른 역할론이 확고한 탓에 변화에 매우 보수적인 공간이라는 점, 이에 외적 조건의 변화에도 불구하고 동일한 삶의 양상을 유지하려는 관성이 강해서 그만큼 심리적 억압이 큰 공간이 된다는 점에 주목하였다. 이 글은 김유정 소설에 등장하는 인물군상이 지닌 파괴와 해체의 충동이 곧 작가 자신도 ‘염인증’이란 이름으로 불렀던 죽음충동과 연결된다고 보고, 김유정의 문학과 삶을 광적인 ‘연애편지 쓰기’, 즉 생의 충동으로서의 에로스로 죽음충동을 극복하려 시도하는 대립구도 속에서 분석해보았다.

Kim You Jeong is known as a novelist who focused upon rural life under Japanese colonial rule. He had written many short stories about poor farmers who had lost their farm land, and had written about farmer’s wives who had to prostitute themselves in order to provide for their families. This essay approaches his novels from a psychoanalytic perspective, and not from a point of view realistic. His life was a series of misfortunes. He had suffered the death of his mother, the financial ruin and bankruptcy of his family’s fortune, crushing poverty, and chronic disease. Kim used to say that ‘writing novels was a way to overcome his fate.’ This essay tries to analyze his novels in a confrontation between the death drive and the life drive(eros). Naturally, we can hear the author’s voices in his criticism of colonial exploitation policy and his concern over rural poverty in his novels. At the same time, we can also find characters who were tempted by the deviation and release from previously accepted norms. For example, the farmers had felt frustrated due to the loss of their farm land, meanwhile, they felt like a burden had been lifted from their shoulders. They went back to a much more simpler life without the desire to acquire material things or having to resort to tenant farming. While farmers and their families tried to fit themselves into the social order, more often than not, they suffered from mental disorders due to the misery of poverty. Many of Kim’s literary works focus on life in rural spaces. Many scholars have lauded Kim’s works as being apt in their bucolic and idyllic depictions of rural life. Some others have lauded his works as being apt in their realistic and detailed depictions of rural life in colonial period. But this essay takes note that the members of rural communities were under the stressful social pressure. They are so conservative in change of social norms as much as they think normative customs related to family and farmland are absolutely important. In his novels, Kim is able to brilliantly portray the psychiatric state of his characters as being wrought with inhibition and feelings of burden over their duties as a head of household, yet possessed a strong desire to lead an unencumbered and carefree life. This essay will attempt to analyzed the various psychiatric states of the his characters through the concepts of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of the death drive.