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Heroines from ≪New Songs from the Jade Terrace≫ had following physical characteristics: smooth and lily-white skin, a slim waist that seemed cannot even keep clothes and accessories steady, delicate limbs, slender hands, sideburns like wing of a cicada, black and long slender eyebrows, cherry lips with white and even teeth, and acting charming with a dimpled face. Above those characteristics, they put makeup on, so that the common aesthetic consciousness of that period could be given shape more clearly. The base of face makeup was white powder, and also the red powder was added to emphasize feminine beauty. For the eye brow, Sometimes they made a thick shape and sometimes made a long and thin shape like tentacle of a the silk moth. They put yellow rouge as the shape of stars or moon on their forehead, and put solid orange rouge on their lips, colored them deeply, so that lips could show off their healthy and beauty. As covering clothes with scent, they added feminine attraction by using perfumes such as Di Xiang(狄香), orchid, musk, et cetera.