초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The adverbial case postposition, ‘-e’ and ‘-eseo’ show confusion because their meaning are not clear and their usage are similar. So in this thesis the contrastive appearance of them is considered through the 500 thousand phrases-sized corpus. The result is that ‘NP-e’ mainly has the meaning of goal destination, background and objects and ‘NP-eseo’ has the meaning of a starting point. If ‘NP-e’ and ‘NP-eseo’ all mean a point, the former means a point or a place of existence, and the latter means that of an accident or a behavior. Also, these also sometimes have a semantic role of agent, and in that case, NP precedent in ‘eseo’ should be the name of an institution or an organization, and the verb appearing together with ‘NP-e’ should be a passive verb. And ‘NP-eseo’ expresses the meaning of the highest grade together with “gajang(most)” and ‘NP-e’ forms an idiomatic configuration with words of abstraction and also express the meaning of a reason.