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This study aimed at checking the consciousness of the female body appeared in the lyrics in the enlightenment period. The newspaper data and the Gyubang-lyric were subject text in the enlightenment period. In the change of the enlightenment period women were increasing with their subjective thinking and practicing. They began to change that the traditional role of women, that household work, modesty, motherhood rather than as a physical laziness, debauchery, and social play. This refusal to work, makeup and grooming, enjoying the festival and to play the voices of women who dream of departure at that time was to show change of women. For these women, including discrimination, social eyes and the criticisms finally showed the changes of women in that culture is significant. Social provision, especially for a woman's body, compared to unilateral and ideological discrimination and prejudice that women beyond their own understanding of the identity that is was going to create. Thus, it is the dominant discourse in public opinion leading to the Gyubang-lyric with the media, newspapers and magazines with a lyrical look at the context of full-fledged civil society and the nation-state, gender equality, women's rights movement toward which words investigated and what was conducted in. Ultimately, the dominant discourse and the women said the principal difference between the discourse of women's visual culture of women hoping to reveal were practiced.