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이 논문은 식민지 조선에서의 영화관 체험을 조명하려는 목적에서 씌어졌다. 기존의 영화 연구에서 영화관은 별다른 주목을 받지 못했다. 기존의 영화 연구는 영화 텍스트나 영화제도 등에 주로 초점이 맞춰져 있는데, 영화관은 실증적 접근에 한계가 있기도 하거니와 그다지 큰 의미가 없는 대상이라는 판단 때문이 아닌가 생각된다. 그러나 영화관은 영화와 대중을 매개하는 공간으로서 주목의 대상이 될 만하다.이런 판단에 따라서 본고에서는 영화 구경 혹은 영화관 가기의 매력은 무엇인가라는 논의로부터 시작했다. 다소 진부한 측면이 없지 않은 부분이기는 하지만 논의의 시발점으로 필수적이라고 할 것이다. 그리고 대중이 찾아간 영화관은 어떤 모습을 하고 있었고, 어떤 방식으로 ‘흥행’을 했는지를 미비하기는 하지만 실증적인 차원에서 접근하였고, 영화 소비자인 관객이 가진 불만이 무엇이었는지를 살펴보았다.그리고 마지막으로는 영화관 체험의 보다 본질적인 국면에 대한 조명에 할애하였다. 발성영화의 도입과 영화 통제 정책이 식민지 시대 관객의 영화관 체험에 미친 영향을 살펴보았다.

This dissertation was written to introduce and discuss over the movie theater experience in the Joseon under the colonization of Japan. Movie theaters have not been paid attention to in the existing researches on film. Given that they have more focused on the text of films and the system or policy, it seems like the reason is not only that there is a limit in doing the positive approach for movie theaters of the old days, but also they were not regarded as an important subject. However, movie theater is definitely worth studying as it is a place enabling film and audience to meet. Therefore, this paper starts from the discussion on what the charm of watching movies or going to movies is. Although it may sound a bit clichéd, it should be an essential starting point for the discussion. In addition, this article talks about what the theaters in 1930s were like, how the movie theatres attracted, and what the audience were complaining about in terms of positive method. The last part of this dissertation is about the more fundamental aspects of the movie theatre experience such as how the introduction of sound film and regulations on movie and movie theatre affected the experience of the audience during the colonization.

This dissertation was written to introduce and discuss over the movie theater experience in the Joseon under the colonization of Japan. Movie theaters have not been paid attention to in the existing researches on film. Given that they have more focused on the text of films and the system or policy, it seems like the reason is not only that there is a limit in doing the positive approach for movie theaters of the old days, but also they were not regarded as an important subject. However, movie theater is definitely worth studying as it is a place enabling film and audience to meet. Therefore, this paper starts from the discussion on what the charm of watching movies or going to movies is. Although it may sound a bit clichéd, it should be an essential starting point for the discussion. In addition, this article talks about what the theaters in 1930s were like, how the movie theatres attracted, and what the audience were complaining about in terms of positive method. The last part of this dissertation is about the more fundamental aspects of the movie theatre experience such as how the introduction of sound film and regulations on movie and movie theatre affected the experience of the audience during the colonization.