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<동동(動動)> 9월령의 ‘새셔’는 “세서(歲序, 세월의 차례),” “모옥(茅屋, 띠집),” “새어 나와”로, <한림별곡(翰林別曲)>의 ‘뎡쇼년(鄭少年)’은 “정(鄭)씨 소년,” “외설스런 남자, 바람둥이 남자, 동성애자,” “미소년, 혹은 왈짜패” 등으로 풀이해 왔다. 이에 대한 본고의 재론 결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다.<동동>의 ‘새셔’는 “새로 거른 좋은 술(新釀 淸(美酒))”을 뜻한다. ‘서()’는 ‘리()’와 대칭되어 ‘좋은 술’의 대명사로 쓰였고, ‘새 거(居, 新居),’ ‘새 윤(尹, 新尹), 새 순(荀, 新荀), 새 순(筍, 新筍)’ 등의 비슷한 조어가 있으며, ‘서’를 ‘셔’로 표기한 “셔안(書案), 셕?똑?(石竹花), 셔얼(庶孼)” 등의 예가 많다. 이에 <동동> “새셔가만얘라”의 ‘새셔’는 신서(新, 新)를 뜻하고, ‘가만다’는 ‘미향(微香), 유향(幽香), 유방(幽芳),’ 즉 그다지 드러나지 않게 풍겨 나오는 은근한 향기란 의미를 담았다. <동동> 9월령은 “약으로 먹는 국화가 안에 들어, 새로 거른 술의 향기가 그윽하구나!”로 풀이할 수 있다.<한림별곡>의 ‘뎡쇼년’은 ‘정성(鄭聲)’이나 ‘정음(鄭音)’처럼 굳어진 말로, 내면을 가꾸는데 힘쓰지 않고, 남녀 간의 유희를 거침없이 즐기며, 여자들이 탄 그네를 밀며 방탕하게 노는 선비들을 해이하고 방종하게 나라를 어지럽히던 정(鄭)나라의 소년들에 견준 말이다.
This paper tries to interpret ‘새셔가만얘라’, a phrase of September in <Dongdong(動動)>, ‘jeong-sonyeon(鄭少年)’ in <Hallim-byeolgok(翰林別曲)>. About ‘saesyeo(새셔)’ were there opinions such as ‘the order of time and tide’, ‘a straw roofed house’ and ‘leak’, etc but there has been no explanation matched with the phrase and its meaning. ‘jeong-sonyeon’ has been extendedly interpreted as a handsome boy or a roughneck based on an obscene or a first but there has been no proof of documentary records. First, ‘saesyeo’ means a good newly filtered wine. ‘seo(醑, 湑)’ stands for a good wine, and in old records were there coined words like ‘bamboo’, ‘sprout’. Considering ‘seo’ was often written as ‘syeo(셔)’ such as “셔안(書案), 셕듁화(石竹花) and 셔얼(庶孼)”, etc, ‘saesyeo(새셔)’ in “새셔가만애라” means a new wine(新醑) and ‘가만다’ stands for ‘subtle perfume(微香)’, which means subtle perfume spread implicitly.(楞嚴經諺解) The phrase of September in <Dongdong> means “when the chrysanthemum eaten as medicine are in, the perfume of a newly filtered wine is so subtle.” A chrysanthemum wine re moves symptoms which cause heart to feel heavy and painful, makes the insides comfortable, pulse smooth and help the blood circulation of arms and legs.(鄕藥集成方) ‘jeong-sonyeon’ in <Hallim-byeolgok> doesn’t mean a boy who has Jeong as a family name or a roughneck but a young man in the Jeong Dynasty who doesn’t care for learning and moral culture but bands together to be relaxed and dissipated. The documentary records about ‘jeong-sonyeon’ can be confirmed in ‘Jasan(子産)’ in Hanbija(韓非子).
This paper tries to interpret ‘새셔가만얘라’, a phrase of September in <Dongdong(動動)>, ‘jeong-sonyeon(鄭少年)’ in <Hallim-byeolgok(翰林別曲)>. About ‘saesyeo(새셔)’ were there opinions such as ‘the order of time and tide’, ‘a straw roofed house’ and ‘leak’, etc but there has been no explanation matched with the phrase and its meaning. ‘jeong-sonyeon’ has been extendedly interpreted as a handsome boy or a roughneck based on an obscene or a first but there has been no proof of documentary records. First, ‘saesyeo’ means a good newly filtered wine. ‘seo(醑, 湑)’ stands for a good wine, and in old records were there coined words like ‘bamboo’, ‘sprout’. Considering ‘seo’ was often written as ‘syeo(셔)’ such as “셔안(書案), 셕듁화(石竹花) and 셔얼(庶孼)”, etc, ‘saesyeo(새셔)’ in “새셔가만애라” means a new wine(新醑) and ‘가만다’ stands for ‘subtle perfume(微香)’, which means subtle perfume spread implicitly.(楞嚴經諺解) The phrase of September in <Dongdong> means “when the chrysanthemum eaten as medicine are in, the perfume of a newly filtered wine is so subtle.” A chrysanthemum wine re moves symptoms which cause heart to feel heavy and painful, makes the insides comfortable, pulse smooth and help the blood circulation of arms and legs.(鄕藥集成方) ‘jeong-sonyeon’ in <Hallim-byeolgok> doesn’t mean a boy who has Jeong as a family name or a roughneck but a young man in the Jeong Dynasty who doesn’t care for learning and moral culture but bands together to be relaxed and dissipated. The documentary records about ‘jeong-sonyeon’ can be confirmed in ‘Jasan(子産)’ in Hanbija(韓非子).
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Dongdong, saesyeo, the order of time and tide, a straw roofed house, newly filtered wine, subtle perfume, Hallim-byeolgok, Jeong-sonyeon, a flirt, libertine