초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper has entered into the wider purpose to ascertain viewpoint or empathy as the basic factor underlying the differences between English and Korean, and to find out the proper way to shift required elements in the translation of English into Korean. The differences revealed in the major principles of tense expression between the two languages, are as follows: First, while the tense of a given sentence in English is directly determined by the simple comparison, the tense in Korean is indirectly determined by way of the speaker's cognition. Second, while the utterance time/point is always fixed as the reference point in English, the reference time/point becomes movable according to the psychological state of the speaker as the subject of a given cognition in Korean. The author has focused on the three phenomena, co-existence of present and past tense, pluperfect tense, and agreement of tense. The different three concepts such as the premise of past situation, homogeneous event, and relative tense, which have been suggested to explain the above three phenomena, could be reduced to a single concept of the mobility of viewpoint.