초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper attempts a practicum that provides students with a wide range of opportunities: gaining real world experience in the translation and own-criticism for students of translation and interpretation. Most students who major in English want to be a translator once. Furthermore, I suggested a criterion establishing a systematic methodology of screen translating, and analyzed it through the model and hypothesis that attempt to communicate based upon implication. According to the results, the students were highly satisfied with their overall experience to provide students with various practicum opportunities. My humble hope is that this study will serve as a guide to improve the quality of screen translation through a practicum for students in translation.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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번역프랙티컴(translation practicum), 직업윤리(professional ethics), 산학협력(school-industry collaboration), 자가번역(own-translation), 번역비평(translation criticism)translation practicum, professional ethics, school-industry collaboration, own-translation, translation criticism