초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Both English and Korean have demonstrative pronouns and determiners. However, the demonstratives have not only similarities but also differences in their usage. This means that translators need to have a good understanding of both similarities and differences between English and Korean demonstrative pronouns and determiners for proper translation of Korean to and from English. For this, it is necessary to look into correlations between the different forms of English and Korean demonstratives and cognitive statuses for their referents. In this paper I analyze Korean demonstrative pronouns and determiners in the framework of the Givenness Hierarchy proposed by Gundel et al. (1990), comparing them with English demonstrative pronouns and determiners. Throughout the paper I suggest what kind of cognitive statuses for referents are necessary and sufficient conditions for appropriate use of different forms of Korean demonstratives. The result of this research will be helpful for proper translation of Korean into English.