초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The grammatical features of English as a source language in translation can have an enormous influence on a novice translator working into Korean. One of the problems in relation to the norms of Korean as a target language in translation is the omission or suppression of the predicate in the part of the Korean text where it would otherwise help convey or clarify subtle shades of meaning, or connect two or more sentential elements smoothly in accordance with the norms of Korean. Such phenomena are classified in this paper as 1) problems involving the prepositional particle ui, 2) problems involving adnominal phrases and clauses, and 3) problems involving the predicate ending i-da before they are analyzed and rectified in accordance with the source norms, that is, the meaning of the source text and the target norms, that is, the rules of the Korean language. In so doing, this paper refers to Toury's concepts of adequacy and acceptability which constitute the initial norms of translation.