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This study focuses on the learning strategies difference and mindset of language students by assessing the differences between English majors and non-majors. In studying the connection between beliefs, learning strategies, and English competence, this study attempts to identify ways the current English education system can become more effective. The study surveyed 99 English major students and 99 non-major students to analyze the results. Conclusions are as follows: 1) English interpretation and translation majors utilize language learning strategies more frequently than the non-major counterparts. 2) English interpretation and translation majors generally displayed more faith, or conviction, in studying English than the non-majors. 3) English majors show a higher correlation between learning strategies and English competence and a higher correlation between faith in learning English and English competence than the non-majors do. Lastly, when learning strategies are customized based on the learners’ individual aptitudes and circumstances, and tailored to fit the needs of students, much more successful English education system can be implemented.