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Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a widespread problem in Korea. Children who are victims of CSA may show a range of adjustment difficulties including behavior problems and personal distress. These difficulties persist into adulthood. There have been relatively few treatment studies with children who have been sexually abused despite the large number affected. A reduction in symptoms of distress and psychological disturbance were found in the majority of studies following treatment. Play therapy is an effective modality that helps the child express feelings, act out behaviors, and gain mastery and control over memories and feelings generated by the abusive experience. Cognitive behavioral therapy includes a variety of interventions for treating sexually abused children. Cognitive behavioral, approach helps children with gradual exposure and modeling of more effective coping metheds. Both individual and group therapy did not differ markedly in their degree of effectiveness of the CSA treatment. Children in the treatment program that involved both mothers and child demonstrated greater outcomes. The treatment outcome studies should be specified and implemented with high fidelity to the design of the treatment.