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The purpose of this study is to reveal what kind of influence Rousseau"s naturalism has on the music education for children through the view of his music education for children found in "Emile". Rousseau understands nature as the concept of divinity, the opposite concept of society, basic human nature, and as sense that continuously develops within. Therefore Rousseau believes the original nature of children, spontaneity, interests, and the motivation of study as the most important factors in his naturalistic education. In this context, he expressed his view of music education for children and emphasized the research of music scores marked with numbers, voice lessons, education for instrumental music and composition, the importance of auditory training, and vocalization through the auditory training. As stated above, because Rousseau"s idealistic, humane educational ideology can be actualized, people became interested in philanthropism, neo-humanism, 19th century children education, and scientific research came to be introduced to the music education. In this regards, we should look to a way to actively apply Rousseau"s ideology to a modern educational environment through an active and closely examined study and research.