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한국선도를 대표하는 경전인 『천부경』·『삼일신고』에는 한국선도 존재론의 핵심인 ‘一·三·九論’의 구조가 드러나 있고 ‘三元造化論’의 교훈 또한 제시되고 있다. 본고에서는 특히 『천부경』·『삼일신고』의 ‘일·삼·구론’ 및 ‘삼원조화론’에 대한 일해석학으로서 선도사서의 하나인 『符都誌』에 담긴 ‘일·삼·구론’ 및 ‘氣·火·水·土·天符論’을 천착해 보았다. 『부도지』 속의 ‘일·삼·구론’ 및 ‘기·화·수·토·천부론’을 통하여 『천부경』·『삼일신고』에 대한 또 다른 접근법을 찾아본 것이다. 일단 『천부경』·『삼일신고』의 존재론적 기초인 ‘일·삼·구론’에서 출발하여 『부도지』의 ‘일·삼·구론’을 살펴보았고 이를 ‘기·화·수·토·천부’의 측면으로도 살펴보았다. 이를 통하여 ‘일·삼·구론’이 곧 ‘三元五行論’이기도 함을 증명해 보았다. 또한 ‘일·삼·구론(三元五行論)’ 속에 ‘一·二·四·八論(陰陽五行論)’이 내포되어 있음을 고찰함으로써 ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’과 ‘일·이·사·팔론(음양오행론)’이 실상 같은 논리의 다른 표현임도 증명하였다. 특히 ‘일·이·사·팔론(음양오행론)’ 보다는 ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’이 존재의 중심 조화점으로서 三元 중의 ‘人(氣에너지)’ 차원, 또 九元(五行) 중의 ‘天符’ 차원을 명확하게 드러내고 있다고 보고 ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’ 속에 담긴 교훈을 ‘삼원조화론’ 또는 ‘天符造化論’으로 명명해 보았다. ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’ 속에 ‘일·이·사·팔론(음양오행론)’이 포괄되어 있지만 ‘일·이·사·팔론(음양오행론)’보다는 ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’이 한국선도의 ’三元조화‘, 또는 ’天符조화‘라는 본질을 더욱 잘 설명해 주는 상위 개념으로 이해한 것이다. 더하여 『부도지』에서 ‘木·火·土·金·水 五行論’중 중앙의 ‘土’가 ‘통제점’으로 이해되어온 점을 비판하고 이 자리가 ‘통제점’이 아닌 ‘조화점’의 자리가 되어야 한다고 주장한 내용을 통해서도 한국선도 ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’의 ‘천부조화론’적 복선을 재차 확인할 수 있었다. 이렇게 『부도지』의 ‘일·삼·구론(삼원오행론)’은 ‘일·이·사·팔론(음양오행론)’의 논리 구조를 포괄하고 있을 뿐아니라 무엇보다도 한국선도의 최대 강점이자 특징인 ‘삼원조화론(또는 천부조화론)’을 선명하게 제시하고 있다는 점에서 다시 한번 그 의의를 평가해보게 된다. 『천부경』·『삼일신고』에 제시된 바 한국선도의 ‘일·삼·구론’은 『부도지』를 통하여 더욱 풍부한 생명력을 부여받고 있다고 할 수 있다.

In the midst of the weakening trend of Korean Sun-do(韓國仙道)'s tradition since Korea antiquity, there was once a revival of Sun-do's tradition after the latter period of the 19th century, but it was not well handed down. Sun-do, in modern times, is being modernized in the manner of corresponding with circumstances of modern society by accessing the people, who are mentally, physically exhausted, in the method of mind & soul discipline. There exists a brilliant insight into substance of existence at the base of Korea Sundo's tenacious life force, still radiating brilliantly by jumping over the intervals from time immemorial to the present even in modern times. Particularly, the topmost Scripture-Cheonbukyeong contains the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ expressed in the most substantial, explicit insight. The ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ include the Heaven(天), Earth(地), and Man(人) as the three dimensions of existence in which the ideas suggest a dimension of the phenomenon[地, material elements], a dimension of the superintends[天, Naught(無·空) or Information], and a dimension of the main body[人, ki(氣), Energy] which links the world of substance and phenomenon, superintends at a position of a master and helps man understand the mechanism in harmony with these three dimensions, finally causing Man to realize the fact that the three dimensions are basically oneness indivisible. The ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ think much of creativity in which the dimension of Man[Ki, energy], and suggests creation grasping the existence as unified whole, and a world view of integration. Particularly, ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ have a meaning and value of all ages in that they represent the idea of creation and peace that can overcome confrontation and conflict contained in two-dimensional thinking system such as "the logic of black and white." This writer has chased after 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' before as the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’s ontological base in order to have a systematic understanding of the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ expressed in Cheonbukyeong and further intended to portray the whole image of Korea Sun-do's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ by pursuing even the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ contained in other key data related to Sun-do. In this research, this writer specially tried to pursue the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ contained in Budoji- one of history books on Sun-do. Through "the Theory of One-Three-Nine" and "the theory of Five Elements - Ki(氣), fire, water, earth, and Chunbu(天符)', this writer tried to access ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ of Cheonbukyeong; in other words, this writer made an access to the Budoji as analytics of the Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’. Started from "the theory of One-Three-Nine" which is the basis of Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’, This writer considered Budoji's 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' and "the theory of Five Elements - Ki(氣), fire, water, earth, and Chunbu(天符)'. As a result, this writer considered that 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' contains 'the theory of One-Two--Eight-Nine' and 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' reveals more distinctly a dimension of the main body[人, ki(氣), Energy] among three dimensions and Chunbu(天符) among three dimensions, which is the central harmony point, than 'the theory of One-Two--Eight-Nine'. This writer named this considerations as ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ and ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’ Through the Budoji's criticism that a earth element(土) among Five Elements(three, fire, earth, iron, water) has been interpreted not as harmony point but as control(suppression) point, the underplot of ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’ can be found. Like this, 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' contains ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’(or ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’), which is the strong point of Korean Sun-do. With these theories, we can understand the message of 'Harmony' of Korean Sun-do. As specified above, this writer took a look at Budoji-contained ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’(or ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’) as analytics for Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’. If Cheonbukyeong should suggest the prototype of the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’, the analytics-based possibility subsequent to the transition of the periods in the succeeding generations would be perpetual and so would it be from now on. We cannot be sure that ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ contained in Budoji which is known as Park, Jei-sang's[in the period of Silla] book written in the 5th century corresponds completely with Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’, but ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ is fully worthy to be one of analytics of Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ for the succeeding generations. For now, I am looking forward to the revelation of the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ true character through the pickout of much more data and various methods of access.

In the midst of the weakening trend of Korean Sun-do(韓國仙道)'s tradition since Korea antiquity, there was once a revival of Sun-do's tradition after the latter period of the 19th century, but it was not well handed down. Sun-do, in modern times, is being modernized in the manner of corresponding with circumstances of modern society by accessing the people, who are mentally, physically exhausted, in the method of mind & soul discipline. There exists a brilliant insight into substance of existence at the base of Korea Sundo's tenacious life force, still radiating brilliantly by jumping over the intervals from time immemorial to the present even in modern times. Particularly, the topmost Scripture-Cheonbukyeong contains the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ expressed in the most substantial, explicit insight. The ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ include the Heaven(天), Earth(地), and Man(人) as the three dimensions of existence in which the ideas suggest a dimension of the phenomenon[地, material elements], a dimension of the superintends[天, Naught(無·空) or Information], and a dimension of the main body[人, ki(氣), Energy] which links the world of substance and phenomenon, superintends at a position of a master and helps man understand the mechanism in harmony with these three dimensions, finally causing Man to realize the fact that the three dimensions are basically oneness indivisible. The ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ think much of creativity in which the dimension of Man[Ki, energy], and suggests creation grasping the existence as unified whole, and a world view of integration. Particularly, ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ have a meaning and value of all ages in that they represent the idea of creation and peace that can overcome confrontation and conflict contained in two-dimensional thinking system such as "the logic of black and white." This writer has chased after 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' before as the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’s ontological base in order to have a systematic understanding of the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ expressed in Cheonbukyeong and further intended to portray the whole image of Korea Sun-do's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ by pursuing even the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ contained in other key data related to Sun-do. In this research, this writer specially tried to pursue the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ contained in Budoji- one of history books on Sun-do. Through "the Theory of One-Three-Nine" and "the theory of Five Elements - Ki(氣), fire, water, earth, and Chunbu(天符)', this writer tried to access ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ of Cheonbukyeong; in other words, this writer made an access to the Budoji as analytics of the Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’. Started from "the theory of One-Three-Nine" which is the basis of Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’, This writer considered Budoji's 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' and "the theory of Five Elements - Ki(氣), fire, water, earth, and Chunbu(天符)'. As a result, this writer considered that 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' contains 'the theory of One-Two--Eight-Nine' and 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' reveals more distinctly a dimension of the main body[人, ki(氣), Energy] among three dimensions and Chunbu(天符) among three dimensions, which is the central harmony point, than 'the theory of One-Two--Eight-Nine'. This writer named this considerations as ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ and ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’ Through the Budoji's criticism that a earth element(土) among Five Elements(three, fire, earth, iron, water) has been interpreted not as harmony point but as control(suppression) point, the underplot of ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’ can be found. Like this, 'the theory of One-Three-Nine' contains ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’(or ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’), which is the strong point of Korean Sun-do. With these theories, we can understand the message of 'Harmony' of Korean Sun-do. As specified above, this writer took a look at Budoji-contained ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’(or ‘Chunbu Harmony Theory’) as analytics for Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’. If Cheonbukyeong should suggest the prototype of the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’, the analytics-based possibility subsequent to the transition of the periods in the succeeding generations would be perpetual and so would it be from now on. We cannot be sure that ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ contained in Budoji which is known as Park, Jei-sang's[in the period of Silla] book written in the 5th century corresponds completely with Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’, but ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ is fully worthy to be one of analytics of Cheonbukyeong's ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ for the succeeding generations. For now, I am looking forward to the revelation of the ‘Three-Dimension Harmony Theory’ true character through the pickout of much more data and various methods of access.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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『Cheonbukyeong(天符經)』, 『Budoji(符都誌)』, Three-Dimension Harmony Theory(三元造化論), Chunbu(天符), the Theory of One-Three-Nine(一·三·九論), the theory of Five Elements - Ki(氣), fire, water, earth, and Chunbu(天符)'〔氣·火·水·土·天符論〕, The doctrine of the five natural elements of the positive and negative(陰陽五行論), Chunbu Harmony Theory(天符造化論)