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공자는 제관 출신으로 그에게 주어진 당시의 역할은 제례의 집행이었다고 볼 수 있다. 제례란 다름 아닌 “땅위의 인간과 하늘의 신령함이 상호 교통하게 하는 일”이며, 음악이란 바로 제례의 주요 과정이란 점에서 공자의 철학적 관심이 음악과 깊이 연관되어 있음을 짐작할 수 있다.공자는 그의 철학적 관심을 음악을 통하여 표출했으며, 음악의 품격을 통하여 그 당시 사회상의 품격을 이해하기도 하였다. 그러므로 공자에게 있어서의 음악이란 단순히 취미나 정서적 위안의 방편에 그치는 게 아니라 공자가 추구하는 본래적 이념과 직접 상관되어 있는 것이다.이에 본 논문에서는 유학에 나타난 음악의 제문제를 검토해 봄으로써, 공자가 제시하고자 한 철학적 세계와 어떤 연계성을 가지고 있는지를 체계적으로 밝혀보고자 한다.논어와 예기 등의 주요 유가 경전에 보면 음악의 생성과 전개를 聲·音·樂 등으로 구분하여 설명하고 있는데, 특히 그 음악의 발생 및 향유 주체를 禽獸·衆庶·君子로 구분하고 있는바, 이는 거시적으로 보아 물리적 자연세계에의 인간사회가 점차 인격적 이념세계로 전개됨을 음악적으로 상징하고 있다고 할 수 있다.이는 공자가 추구한 인격적 도덕세계로의 전개가 곧 음악적 세계의 성취에서 이루어지고 있음을 언급한 것이라 할 것이다.유학에서는 이러한 인간의 궁극적 이상세계를 춤추고 노래하는 세상, 조화롭고 아름다운 세상, 함께 더불어 살아가는 세상으로 규정함으로써 음악적 단계의 끝에는 인격적 세계의 완성이 함께하고 있음을 밝히고 있다.공자의 철학 사상에 접근하는 여러 가지의 길이 있으나 음악이 갖는 의미를 통하여 접근하려는 시도는 과거에 흔하지 않았다는 점에서 본 연구의 학문적 성과에 대하여 스스로 기대해 보는 바이다.

Kong-ja is from officiating priest and his role at that time was to carry out religious ceremonies. Religious ceremony connects human being in earth and soul in heaven mutually and music is main process of the religious ceremonies therefore we can presume that Kong-ja's interest in philosophy is in deep relationship with music. Kong-ja expressed his interest in philosophy through music and understood dignity of social aspects by dignity of music. It was not treated as simple hobby nor a device to comfort emotion. It was in correlation with nature ideology that Kong-ja pursuits. In this study, we will define how the music is related to philosophy which suggested by Kong-ja systematically by reviewing music in Confucianism. In main Confucian scholar scriptures such as Confucius Analects and "Ye-ki", it describes formation and development of music by classifying sound, melody and song. Especially, it classifies birth and enjoyment of subject of music by animal·group of people·Gentle man. In comprehensive view, it symbolizes development of human society from physical nature to individual ideology society by music. In other words, development of individual moral society which Kong-ja pursuits was achieved by fulfilling in music world. In Confucianism, it regulates ultimate ideal world as signing and dancing world, beautiful and balanced world, all live in harmony world. Therefore, it persists there are completion of respectful world at the end of music process. There are studies approaching philosophy of Kong-ja in many ways but rarely approaches through meaning of music in the past so the outcome of studyis highly expected.

Kong-ja is from officiating priest and his role at that time was to carry out religious ceremonies. Religious ceremony connects human being in earth and soul in heaven mutually and music is main process of the religious ceremonies therefore we can presume that Kong-ja's interest in philosophy is in deep relationship with music. Kong-ja expressed his interest in philosophy through music and understood dignity of social aspects by dignity of music. It was not treated as simple hobby nor a device to comfort emotion. It was in correlation with nature ideology that Kong-ja pursuits. In this study, we will define how the music is related to philosophy which suggested by Kong-ja systematically by reviewing music in Confucianism. In main Confucian scholar scriptures such as Confucius Analects and "Ye-ki", it describes formation and development of music by classifying sound, melody and song. Especially, it classifies birth and enjoyment of subject of music by animal·group of people·Gentle man. In comprehensive view, it symbolizes development of human society from physical nature to individual ideology society by music. In other words, development of individual moral society which Kong-ja pursuits was achieved by fulfilling in music world. In Confucianism, it regulates ultimate ideal world as signing and dancing world, beautiful and balanced world, all live in harmony world. Therefore, it persists there are completion of respectful world at the end of music process. There are studies approaching philosophy of Kong-ja in many ways but rarely approaches through meaning of music in the past so the outcome of studyis highly expected.