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세계와 인간을 유기체적 전체의 틀 속에서 이해하는 도가의 사상은 현대 문명의 이원론적 세계관과 그로 인한 병폐를 해결하는데 사유의 실마리를 제공할 수 있다. 현대의 환경문제 해결은 환경정책이나 소규모 기구의 실천적 운동에서부터 해결의 실마리를 풀어 갈 수 있지만, 문명과 기술의 이면에 자리 잡은 세계관의 차원에서 근본적 성찰을 시도하는 것도 필수적인 일이다. 현대 기술 문명이 발전하는 과정에서 자연과 인간을 이원적으로 이해하는 서양의 세계관이 중요한 기능을 수행했다. 도가의 사상은 세계를 실체론이 아니라 관계론으로 이해하고자 한다. 실체론적 사유는 자아와 타자를 구분하고, 양자 사이의 근원적 간격을 상정함으로써 자아중심의 사유로 미끄러진다. 이는 자연과 인간의 관계에서 인간중심적 사유로 정형화하고, 자연을 주변적 존재로 대우한다. 관계론적 사유는 자아와 타자의 관계를 근원적 연속성 속에서 사유하며, 상호의존적 존재 관계로 파악한다. 이는 자연과 인간의 관계를 한 몸으로 파악하고 생명의 연속성 속에서 이해하고자 한다. 도가 사상의 기본 이념인 무위자연적 사유는 인간과 자연의 상호의존적 관계를 존재론적 차원에서 긍정하며, 이는 현대의 환경문제에 대한 존재론적 차원의 대안으로서 생태학적 윤리의 가능성을 암시해준다. 배타적 고유성에 집착하지 않고 나와 타자의 차이를 상관적 차이로 이해하는 도가의 세계관을 바탕으로, 인간은 우주만물을 평등하게 이해하고 함께 어우러져 살아갈 수 있는 윤리적 생명공동체의 가능성을 모색할 수 있다.

The problem tackled in this article is Daoism and Ecological Ways within a Cosmic Landscape. There are two points of view on Human mind, Ontological Thinking and Relational Thinking in Philosophy. Taoist Tao is a mixed fabric of two ways of thinking. We deduce a ecological ethics of Taoist thinking from the Tao. According to Taoists, Tao is the way things becomes, the way of process in changing and dynamic reality itself in the world or cosmos. Therefore the meanings of Tao have two dimensional one. Besides, Two features of Tao as universal Principle are Wu wei-Ziran(無爲自然) and Co-relationality(相關待對). Wu wei (無爲: effortless doing, natural action) is an important concept of Taoism, that involves knowing when to act and when not to act. Another perspective to this is that "Wu Wei" means natural action. The practice of wu wei and the efficacy of wei wu wei(爲無爲) are fundamental tenets in Chinese thought and have been mostly emphasized by the Taoist school. The aim of wu wei is to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium, or alignment with the Tao, and, as a result, obtain an irresistible form of "soft and invisible" power. Most commonly Ziran(自然: self so, so of its own) has been seen as a model that was followed by the Dao, Heaven, Earth, and Man in turn, based on the traditional translation and interpretation of the Taodejing. the mankind behaving perfectly in accordance with Ziran. Because the base nature of the Dao is one of complete naturalness. According to Taoist thinking from the Tao, the seamless interconnection between the human and natural worlds has been described as an anthropocosmic or organic worldview. The life of man in Nature is always governed by affairs and other begins over there. Intense Concentration of universal Principle as Wu wei-Ziran is the ultimate point of leaving worldly life and the first foothold on the Tao. Live in Wu wei-Ziran is the first step we should take in pursuit of genuine happiness of Ecological Ethics.

The problem tackled in this article is Daoism and Ecological Ways within a Cosmic Landscape. There are two points of view on Human mind, Ontological Thinking and Relational Thinking in Philosophy. Taoist Tao is a mixed fabric of two ways of thinking. We deduce a ecological ethics of Taoist thinking from the Tao. According to Taoists, Tao is the way things becomes, the way of process in changing and dynamic reality itself in the world or cosmos. Therefore the meanings of Tao have two dimensional one. Besides, Two features of Tao as universal Principle are Wu wei-Ziran(無爲自然) and Co-relationality(相關待對). Wu wei (無爲: effortless doing, natural action) is an important concept of Taoism, that involves knowing when to act and when not to act. Another perspective to this is that "Wu Wei" means natural action. The practice of wu wei and the efficacy of wei wu wei(爲無爲) are fundamental tenets in Chinese thought and have been mostly emphasized by the Taoist school. The aim of wu wei is to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium, or alignment with the Tao, and, as a result, obtain an irresistible form of "soft and invisible" power. Most commonly Ziran(自然: self so, so of its own) has been seen as a model that was followed by the Dao, Heaven, Earth, and Man in turn, based on the traditional translation and interpretation of the Taodejing. the mankind behaving perfectly in accordance with Ziran. Because the base nature of the Dao is one of complete naturalness. According to Taoist thinking from the Tao, the seamless interconnection between the human and natural worlds has been described as an anthropocosmic or organic worldview. The life of man in Nature is always governed by affairs and other begins over there. Intense Concentration of universal Principle as Wu wei-Ziran is the ultimate point of leaving worldly life and the first foothold on the Tao. Live in Wu wei-Ziran is the first step we should take in pursuit of genuine happiness of Ecological Ethics.