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이 연구의 목적은 2007년 12월 7일 태안군 만리포 해상에서 발생한 허베이 스피리트호 Hebei Spirit 146 848톤 기름유출사고가 가의도 주민들에게 미친 사회적 영향을 파악하는 데 있다. 가의도는 육지와 연결되지 않은 태안군의 유일한 유인도이며 주민들이 생업활동을 바다환경에 전적으로 의존하고 있는 섬마을이다. 기름유출 사고로 인해 주민들의 주 소득원인 어업과 관광업이 완전히 중단되었으며 현재 유일한 소득원인 방제인건비마저 제대로 지급되지 않아 극심한 생활고를 호소하고 있었다 그뿐만 아니라 사고로 인한 정신적 충격과 과도한 방제작업 미래에 대한 불안감과 소외의식으로 인해 육체적 ․정신적 고통을 겪고 있었다. 지만 높은 직업적 동질성과 공동체적 유대감으로 주민들 사이에 특별한 갈등이 발생하진 않았다.다만 육체와 정신의 피로로 인해 사고이전 활발했던 이웃 간의 일상적 교류가 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구를 통해 기름유출사고의 사회적 영향이 어촌공동체의 사회구조에 어떻게 반영되는지를 살펴보고자 하였다.그러나 이 둘 사이의 관계를 보다 명확히 하기 위해서는 다양한 구조를 갖는 마을 간 비교연구를 통해서 보완될 필요가 있다.

This study aims to discover the social impact of an oil spill accident by the Herbei Spirit 146 848 tons which happened on the Mallipo Sea Taean gun on December 7 2007 on residents in Gaeui do island Gaeui do island is a sole manned island which is not landfast in Taean gun and is an island village where the occupational activity of residents is closely tied to the marine environment Therefore the oil spill accident brought about a negative social impact on the economic activity of the residents the residents relationships and their health The fishery and tourism industry which were the main income sources of the residents came to a full stop due to the oil spill accident and the residents have complained about the rigors of life because of the non payment of labor for the clean up and living expenses On top of that the shock from the accident excessive clean up labor relative to the age group of the residents and the sense of isolation as well as their anxiety about the future caused the residents to go through both physical and mental suffering Furthermore physical and mental exhaustion from clean up labor reduced mutual visits between neighbors which had been active before the accident and this was shown as a loss of ordinary joy for the residents However there was no specific conflict between the residents thanks to the higher homogeneity in their jobs within an island village and the unique solidarity of the community This study intended to look into how the social impact of the oil spill accident affected the social structure of the community of a small scale fishing village microscopically Nevertheless it is necessary to follow up this study through comparative research into villages with various social structure in order to more clearly prove the relationship between the characteristics of a village community and such a social impact.

This study aims to discover the social impact of an oil spill accident by the Herbei Spirit 146 848 tons which happened on the Mallipo Sea Taean gun on December 7 2007 on residents in Gaeui do island Gaeui do island is a sole manned island which is not landfast in Taean gun and is an island village where the occupational activity of residents is closely tied to the marine environment Therefore the oil spill accident brought about a negative social impact on the economic activity of the residents the residents relationships and their health The fishery and tourism industry which were the main income sources of the residents came to a full stop due to the oil spill accident and the residents have complained about the rigors of life because of the non payment of labor for the clean up and living expenses On top of that the shock from the accident excessive clean up labor relative to the age group of the residents and the sense of isolation as well as their anxiety about the future caused the residents to go through both physical and mental suffering Furthermore physical and mental exhaustion from clean up labor reduced mutual visits between neighbors which had been active before the accident and this was shown as a loss of ordinary joy for the residents However there was no specific conflict between the residents thanks to the higher homogeneity in their jobs within an island village and the unique solidarity of the community This study intended to look into how the social impact of the oil spill accident affected the social structure of the community of a small scale fishing village microscopically Nevertheless it is necessary to follow up this study through comparative research into villages with various social structure in order to more clearly prove the relationship between the characteristics of a village community and such a social impact.