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현재의 지배적인 세계식량체계는 그동안 저가의 석유에너지에 크게 의존해왔다. 세계식량체계는 원유가격이 저가일 때 싼 식량의 대규모 생산과 공급에 기여했다. 최근의 원유가격의 가파른 상승은 세계적인 수준에서 식량의 생산과 가공 수송에 문제를 야기했다. 석유가격의 상승으로 촉발된 식량가격의 급상승은 몇몇 국가들의 식량수출의 통제 식량폭동으로 이어져 세계적인 수준에서 식량을 둘러싼 갈등과 불안을 고조시키고 있다. 이처럼 세계식량체계는 석유에너지 가격상승에 매우 취약한 것으로 드러나고 있다. 세계식량체계는 석유에너지 위기에 취약할 뿐만 아니라 식품안전 식량보장 환경 지역경제 지역음식문화 등에도 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있다 식량의 안정적 공급과 세계식량체계가 야기하는 문제점을 해결하기 위해 석유에너지에 적게 의존하는 대안식량체계가 자리해야 한다. 대안식량체계는 식량 생산 가공 수송 유통 등에서 석유에너지를 적게 사용해야 한다. 또 생태적 경제적 사회적으로 지속가능한 것이어야 한다. 이러한 대안식량체계로 유기농업 도시농업 시민농업 공동체지원농업 농민시장 기관구매 등이 주목을 받고 있다. 석유에너지 전부를 수입하고 있고 식량자급률이 낮은 우리나라는 이번의 석유위기와 식량파동을 계기로 대안식량체계에 관심을 기울이고 대안식량체계의 활성화 방안을 마련할 필요가 있다.

Global food system has so far relied on low priced oil energy to a large extent When the price of crude oil was kept low global food system contributed to the mass production and supply of inexpensive food A sharp rise in crude oil price has recently led to a variety of problems associated with the production processing and transportation of food on a global level The sudden hike in food price triggered by the rise in oil price has brought about control of food export and food riots among some countries which translates into global conflicts and growing fears about food in the global community In this respect the current global food system has turned out very vulnerable to rising oil prices In addition to its vulnerability to an oil crisis global food system exercises a negative impact on food safety food security environment local economy regional food culture and etc In an effort to guarantee stable supply of food and solve problems facing the current global food system a new food system is needed to explore that depends less on oil energy An alternative food system is required to consume less oil energy in producing processing transporting and distributing food Such a system should be one that is also sustainable ecologically economically and socially As an alternative food system organic agriculture urban agriculture civic agriculture community supported agriculture farmers market and institutional purchase have gained publicity Given oil crisis and food fluctuation Korea with all the oil energy imported and self reliant food ratio low needs to seek a program to activate an alternative food system by paying its attention

Global food system has so far relied on low priced oil energy to a large extent When the price of crude oil was kept low global food system contributed to the mass production and supply of inexpensive food A sharp rise in crude oil price has recently led to a variety of problems associated with the production processing and transportation of food on a global level The sudden hike in food price triggered by the rise in oil price has brought about control of food export and food riots among some countries which translates into global conflicts and growing fears about food in the global community In this respect the current global food system has turned out very vulnerable to rising oil prices In addition to its vulnerability to an oil crisis global food system exercises a negative impact on food safety food security environment local economy regional food culture and etc In an effort to guarantee stable supply of food and solve problems facing the current global food system a new food system is needed to explore that depends less on oil energy An alternative food system is required to consume less oil energy in producing processing transporting and distributing food Such a system should be one that is also sustainable ecologically economically and socially As an alternative food system organic agriculture urban agriculture civic agriculture community supported agriculture farmers market and institutional purchase have gained publicity Given oil crisis and food fluctuation Korea with all the oil energy imported and self reliant food ratio low needs to seek a program to activate an alternative food system by paying its attention