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해장은 19세기 중반에 조선의 문단과 정계에서 중심적인 역할을 하였던 인물인데, 아직까지 그에 생애나 학문, 문학세계에 대하여 본격적으로 다룬 논문은 없다고 여겨진다. 해장은 어린 나이에 아버지가 돌아가셔 어려운 가정에서 어머니를 모시고 수헌 신재정과 취미 신재식에게 학문을 배웠다. 30세에 식년시에 합격하여 벼슬에 나아간 이후 순탄한 환로를 거친다. 그러나 1855년 경상도 관찰사에서 파면된 뒤부터는 세상에 별 뜻을 두지 않고 자연에 은거하며 살았다. 한편 1860년에 동지정사로 연경에 가서 중국 인사들과 교유를 하고 중국과 세계의 정세의 흐름을 파악하게 된다. 그의 교유관계 인물은 주로 정계와 문단의 중심에서 활약한 인물들이었다. 그들은 정권을 장악한 노론 선배들의 학문과 세계관을 이어받아 北社의 새로운 세대를 형성하였다. 해장의 학문관은 주자학의 묵수를 배척하였으며 또한 일정정도 고증의 가치를 인정하였지만 의리의 본질을 헤치고 주자의 학설을 비방하는데 몰두하는 고증학에 대해서는 비판을 가하고 있다. 해장의 문학관은 당대 문단의 현실에 부응하는 객관적인 이론을 견지하였는데, 산문에 있어서는 시대배경과 개인 환경 등 종합적인 현실 상황 아래에서의 창작을 중요시하였으며, 시에 있어서는 수식보다는 인간의 감정에 충실한 작품을 쓸 것을 강조하였다.

Haejang is a central figure of the literary world and politics of the 19th Joseon Dynasty. It is thought that there is no academic research that deals with his life and literary theory in depth. Haejang takes care of his mother after his father has passed away when he was young. He learns from Suheon, Shin Jaejeong and Chuimi, Shinjaesik. At the age of 30, he passes Siknyeonsi, a national examination, and becomes a successful governmental officer. After 1855 when he was fired from the governor of Gyeongsang Province, he lives a hermetic life in nature. In 1860, he went to Yeonkyeong as a ambassador to learn Chinese and world culture and politics. He gets along with figures in politics and literature, who succeed to the world view and literature of Noron group. They form a new generation of history. Haejang's literary theory declines the adherence of Neo-Confucianism. Although he admits the value of bibliographical study to some degrees, he criticizes the one that deteriorates the essence of loyalty and theories of Chu Hsi. Haejang's literary theory contains objective theory that shows the contemporary reality of his literary world. In terms of prose, he considers creative writing important under the realistic circumstances, such as Zeitgeist and individual background. In terms of poetry, he emphasizes emotional writing more than modifiers.

Haejang is a central figure of the literary world and politics of the 19th Joseon Dynasty. It is thought that there is no academic research that deals with his life and literary theory in depth. Haejang takes care of his mother after his father has passed away when he was young. He learns from Suheon, Shin Jaejeong and Chuimi, Shinjaesik. At the age of 30, he passes Siknyeonsi, a national examination, and becomes a successful governmental officer. After 1855 when he was fired from the governor of Gyeongsang Province, he lives a hermetic life in nature. In 1860, he went to Yeonkyeong as a ambassador to learn Chinese and world culture and politics. He gets along with figures in politics and literature, who succeed to the world view and literature of Noron group. They form a new generation of history. Haejang's literary theory declines the adherence of Neo-Confucianism. Although he admits the value of bibliographical study to some degrees, he criticizes the one that deteriorates the essence of loyalty and theories of Chu Hsi. Haejang's literary theory contains objective theory that shows the contemporary reality of his literary world. In terms of prose, he considers creative writing important under the realistic circumstances, such as Zeitgeist and individual background. In terms of poetry, he emphasizes emotional writing more than modifiers.