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본고는 점필재선생이 태어난 곳인 밀양과 관련된 시문에 대한 고찰이다. 선생이 밀양과 관련하여 문집에 남긴 시편은 모두 20題이다. 방대한 양의 전체 시 작품 중에서 차지하는 비중이 그다지 많지 않지만 이를 바탕으로 선생의 고향으로서의 밀양에 대한 애정은 충분히 확인할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 아울러 이를 토대로 선생의 향촌의식과 영남지방에 대한 향토애를 다시 확인할 수 있는 충분한 근거를 마련할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 선생이 남긴 밀양과 관련된 시편들은 모두가 고향으로서의 밀양에 대한 선생의 사랑과 관심으로 점철되어 있다. 선행 연구에서 지적되어온 영남지방에 대한 선생의 향토애는 바로 고향에 대한 사랑과 관심이 그 토대가 된 것이 아닐까? 즉 고향에 대한 사랑과 관심이 영남지방에 대한 향토애로 확대되며, 이러한 경향이 선생의 시 세계에서 중요한 한 축을 형성한 것이다.여기에서 선생이 在地的 地主로서 鄕村에 사회경제적 기반을 두고 있었음을 다시 한 번 상기할 필요가 있다. 자신의 사회경제적 기반인 향촌에 일정한 관심을 기울이는 것은 너무도 당연할 것이다. 성리학 형성의 주도자인 朱子 역시 『增損呂氏鄕約』을 편찬하는 등 향촌사회에 많은 관심을 기울였던 것을 통해 보면, 성리학적 이념으로 무장된 선생이 재지적 지주로서 향촌에 많은 애정을 가졌던 것은 실천적 경향의 학문자세를 가졌던 점까지 감안한다면 새삼스러울 것 없을 정도로 당연할 것이다. 「與密陽鄕校諸子書」를 통해 향교의 여러 학생들을 깨우치고, 「密陽鄕社義財記」를 통해 백성들의 풍속을 교화하기에 힘썼으며, 留鄕所의 復立을 위해 成宗에게 건의 하였던 것 등이 모두가 선생의 향촌중시와 실천적 학문자세를 보여주는 증거들이다. 향촌을 중시하려는 사고 자체가 실천적인 학문자세에서 나올 수 있었다고 본다면, 선생이 밀양과 관련된 20제의 시를 통해 고향에 대한 애정과 관심을 표현한 것은 선생이 지녔던 實踐的 學問姿勢를 토대로 하였다고 할 수 있다.

In this paper, I studied Jeompiljae's poems connected with Milyang where he was born. He wrote about twenty poems on the subject of it. I think we can understand his affection for his hometown through these poems though they are small in quantity in comparison with his entire poems. We can also understand his awareness of country districts and affection for the Youngnam district. All poems connected with Milyang he wrote are full of his affection and interest for it. I think his affection for the Youngnam district testified in another previous studies was caused by his love for hometown. In other words, his love and interest for hometown developed into affection for the Youngnam district, and this emotion occupied a part of his entire poems. Here we need to remind again that he was a landowner who lived in hometown and had his social economic base on it. It was natural for him to be interested in hometown which was his social economic base. Chu-tzu, the leader of philosophy about human nature and natural laws, also showed his interest for country districts through writing some books, including Addition and reduction to the rules of country districts by Yeo. Considering that Jumpiljae was under the influence of Chu-tzu and headed for practical sciences, it was natural that he had much affection for his hometown as a landlord living in hometown. He taught students of a local Confucian school and did his best to educate country people by his writing. He also recommended the King Seongjong to reconstruct local advisory organs. We can see his interest for country districts and practical learning through these all. I think Jeompiljae's poems connected with Milyang prove his love and interest for his hometown, and these all are based on his practical learning.

In this paper, I studied Jeompiljae's poems connected with Milyang where he was born. He wrote about twenty poems on the subject of it. I think we can understand his affection for his hometown through these poems though they are small in quantity in comparison with his entire poems. We can also understand his awareness of country districts and affection for the Youngnam district. All poems connected with Milyang he wrote are full of his affection and interest for it. I think his affection for the Youngnam district testified in another previous studies was caused by his love for hometown. In other words, his love and interest for hometown developed into affection for the Youngnam district, and this emotion occupied a part of his entire poems. Here we need to remind again that he was a landowner who lived in hometown and had his social economic base on it. It was natural for him to be interested in hometown which was his social economic base. Chu-tzu, the leader of philosophy about human nature and natural laws, also showed his interest for country districts through writing some books, including Addition and reduction to the rules of country districts by Yeo. Considering that Jumpiljae was under the influence of Chu-tzu and headed for practical sciences, it was natural that he had much affection for his hometown as a landlord living in hometown. He taught students of a local Confucian school and did his best to educate country people by his writing. He also recommended the King Seongjong to reconstruct local advisory organs. We can see his interest for country districts and practical learning through these all. I think Jeompiljae's poems connected with Milyang prove his love and interest for his hometown, and these all are based on his practical learning.