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조선 전역을 휩쓸고 지나간 임진왜란에 대한 우리의 기억은 참혹하고도 다양하다. 그런데 이런 기억은 어떤 과정을 거쳐 형성된 것인가? 본고는 그에 대한 내력을 추적해 보고자 했다. 그러기 위해서는 우선 임진왜란을 조선의 입장에서 기록한 『조선왕조실록』 및 野史․實記類는 물론이고 일본의 각종 軍記物, 나아가 포르투갈 선교사 루이스 프로이스처럼 제3자의 입장에서 기록한 엇갈린 기억을 면밀하게 비교․고찰해 볼 필요가 있었다. 특히, 오늘날 임진왜란에 대한 기억의 기본 인식을 제공하고 있는 유성룡의 『징비록』은 무척 섬세하게 다뤄질 필요가 있는 텍스트였다. 검토 결과, 유성룡은 부산진 전투, 탄금대 전투 등 임진왜란 초기 전투의 상황을 너무나도 맥없는 패배의 연속으로 그리고 있었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그곳에서 죽은 정발․신립의 분전은 외면한 채 그들을 매우 무력하고 무능한 인물로 그려내고 있던 것이었다. 물론 그건 임진왜란의 초기 상황에 대한 엄연한 사실이기도 했다. 하지만 임진왜란을 승리로 이끈 전쟁영웅 이순신을 돋보이게 만들기 위해 주도면밀하게 계산된 배치이자 복선이란 점을 간과해서는 안 된다. 그런 점에서 『징비록』은 ‘사실의 기억’을 넘어서서 유성룡이 재구한 ‘기억의 서사’라 부를 만하다. 그리고 그 기억의 서사는 이후 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 하지만 임진왜란과 관련된 대표적인 기억의 서사라 할 수 있는 『임진록』에서는 또 다른 전쟁 영웅들이 만들어지고 있었다. 김덕령, 사명당과 같은 의병장을 비롯해 논개와 같은 미천한 여인들이 새롭게 등장했던 것이다. 이런 두 갈래로 갈린 전쟁 영웅의 탄생은 임진왜란을 바라보는 ‘중앙 功臣’과 ‘지방 士族’의 이해관계와 그로 말미암아 갖게 된 기억 차이에서 비롯된 것이었음을 암시한다. 그건, 근대가 지난날의 역사적 사실을 기억하는 방식과 그 결과를 전면적으로 再檢해야 한다는 문제의식과 맞닿아 있는 것이기도 했다.

Our memory of Imjin war, Japanese invasion of Joseon in 1592 which swept the entire Joseon territory is atrocious and multifarious. How are these memories formed? This article examines the procedure of forming the memories. For this purpose it is necessary to scrutinize alternate records of memories such as Japan's all sorts of military records, as well as The Authentic Record of Joseon Dynasty from the perspective of Joseon, official and unofficial records of history. Furthermore the third party's voice as Portuguese missionary Luis Frois's records will have to be scrupulously studied. Especially Jingbirok by Yu Seong-Ryong which provides basic knowledge of war memories is to be delicately dealt with. After cautious examination it is concluded that Yu Seong-Ryong described early battle condition of Imjin war as a series of enervating failure of Joseon as in Busanjin battle, Tangeomdae battle. Yu Seong-Ryong ignored the military generals Jeong-Bal and Shin-Lib who fought to the death in the battle fields and merely pictured them as incapable, incompetent generals. In some aspects it could be stark facts of early situations of the Imjin war. However it should not be overlooked that the view is scrupulously calculated device and foreshadowing for war hero and admiral Yi Sun-Shin who led the war to victory to stand out. In that aspect Jingbirok can be narratives of memory restructured by Yu Seong-Ryong over memory of historical facts. This narratives of memory have had a great influence afterwards. However Imjinrok which can be called representative narratives of memory related to Imjin war has made other war heroes. We can see emergence of people such as Non Gae, an obscure woman as well as Kim Deok-Ryeong and Sa Myeong Dang, militia generals of loyal troops. These two divided births of heroes suggest that this perspective starts from the two views, central meritorious vassals and local noble families. The difference of their memories became the beginning of two different views towards heroes. This urges us to have critical mind that we need to reconsider the ways of remembering the past historical facts and their results.

Our memory of Imjin war, Japanese invasion of Joseon in 1592 which swept the entire Joseon territory is atrocious and multifarious. How are these memories formed? This article examines the procedure of forming the memories. For this purpose it is necessary to scrutinize alternate records of memories such as Japan's all sorts of military records, as well as The Authentic Record of Joseon Dynasty from the perspective of Joseon, official and unofficial records of history. Furthermore the third party's voice as Portuguese missionary Luis Frois's records will have to be scrupulously studied. Especially Jingbirok by Yu Seong-Ryong which provides basic knowledge of war memories is to be delicately dealt with. After cautious examination it is concluded that Yu Seong-Ryong described early battle condition of Imjin war as a series of enervating failure of Joseon as in Busanjin battle, Tangeomdae battle. Yu Seong-Ryong ignored the military generals Jeong-Bal and Shin-Lib who fought to the death in the battle fields and merely pictured them as incapable, incompetent generals. In some aspects it could be stark facts of early situations of the Imjin war. However it should not be overlooked that the view is scrupulously calculated device and foreshadowing for war hero and admiral Yi Sun-Shin who led the war to victory to stand out. In that aspect Jingbirok can be narratives of memory restructured by Yu Seong-Ryong over memory of historical facts. This narratives of memory have had a great influence afterwards. However Imjinrok which can be called representative narratives of memory related to Imjin war has made other war heroes. We can see emergence of people such as Non Gae, an obscure woman as well as Kim Deok-Ryeong and Sa Myeong Dang, militia generals of loyal troops. These two divided births of heroes suggest that this perspective starts from the two views, central meritorious vassals and local noble families. The difference of their memories became the beginning of two different views towards heroes. This urges us to have critical mind that we need to reconsider the ways of remembering the past historical facts and their results.