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圃隱은 「論語」에 나타난 正名思想에 철저했던 인물이다. 實踐躬行의 자세로 기울어가는 고려사직을 중흥하기 위해 목숨을 건 사행길을 마다하지 않았다. 포은의 인물됨은 세 가지로 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 포은은 변치 않는 志節을 지닌 인물이다. 고려와 조선에 걸쳐 충신의 전형으로 받드는 것이 그 증거이다. 둘째는 黨與를 만들지 않는 인물이다. 그는 公私가 분명하고 中庸의 태도를 견지하는 성품이기에 사사롭게 무리를 지어 일을 도모하지 않았다. 셋째는 완벽을 지향하는 인물이다. 개인적으로는 박학다식한 학문, 호방한 성격과 뛰어난 언변, 상대를 설득하는 논리, 그리고 상대의 마음을 움직이는 문장과, 국제적인 감각까지 갖춘 인물이다. 포은은 명나라에 8차례, 일본에 한 차례 使行했는데, 그때마다 모두 꺼리는 사행이었지만 소임을 완수하고 돌아온 공이 지대하다. 포은은 외교에 능했고, 문장도 탁월했으며, 논리정연한 언변으로 많은 성과를 거두었다. 명사행시는 華夷질서에 입각하여 천자국의 문물과 인물, 제도에 대한 찬양이 주를 이루고, 간간이 고향과 친구에 대한 그리움을 담았다. 일본사행시는 일본에 대한 새로운 인식을 바탕으로 그들의 풍속과 풍류를 담았다. 고향에 대한 향수를 바탕으로, 이국에서 느끼는 고독한 자신의 내면을 섬세하게 그려냈다. 포은의 사행시는 겉으로는 호방한 긍지와 報國의 의미가 강하지만, 이면에는 가족이나 고향에 대한 향수를 노래한 것도 감지된다.

According to some archives, three points can feature Po-eun's(圃隱) character. Firstly he is a man of endless loyalty. His behavior was consistent with his scholarship. As a result he is regarded as a typical loyal subject throughout Ko-ryo dynasty(高麗) and Cho-sun dynasty(朝鮮). Secondly he didn't form a faction in political party. He had not enough time to form a faction in his party because of a long international official trip(使行). And as he kept his private and public life clearly separate and tried to be neutral in any political case, so it didn't suit on his character that he tried to do something accompanying his followers. We can confirm this point through one example - Once a chance for recovering loyal power was given to him in king kongyang(恭讓王). But as he tried to do it with just his own personal ability not depending on others' power, he couldn't make it after all. Thirdly he was an perfectionist. He was wide-minded and had a great eloquence and logic to persuade others. He was also quite good at writing and global mind. He was not reluctant to take international official trips that others didn't like. And through the course that he got achievement we can find out that he was a great subject with a royal mind. But as is the case with perfectionist, his temper which could be developed into arrogant mind also drove himself isolated from others. Po-eun went to Ming kingdom(明) for 8 times and to Wei kingdom(倭) for one time. He went there as an ambassador and everytime his performance were great and he accomplished what was assigned to him at then. Considering his role and experience, poems about his visiting is very meaningful. It would be impossible to do the role of successful ambassador if it were not for his excellent and overwhelming spirit, mind and great composition ability. He was very good at diplomacy, composition and speech so he could make it. Poems about visiting Ming kingdom(明) is mainly about admiration for chinese culture, character and system based on his Huayi ideology(華夷秩序:Thinking chinese as the center of world and the other countries are all inferior to them). Nostalgia for hometown and friends can be found too in the poems. Poems about visiting Wei Kingdom(倭) is mainly about japanese custom and culture through the new recognition for Japan. We can find that he realized possibility of cultural exchange with Japan based on his humanity. He shows strong nostalgia for his hometown whereas he also shows the delicate inner loneliness in the poems. In the end we can say that his poems about visiting as an ambassador has meaning of strong spirit and patriotism but also include loneliness and nostalgia for family and hometown.