초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to analyse the contents of Authorized Journals in the Field of Public Administration and to examine the junior scholar development program intensively of Korea Research Foundation(KRF). So, we should investigate the specific current program plans in institution in which they might have an interest. The discussion here would consider the general characteristics of current development in this field, and move to the specific issues of problems faced upon the operation of the program. The methods for the study are literature research and the related Internet Surveys. To do that, we examine following issues and the results are as follows: First, the junior scholar development program in our community is in a state of development, review, and modification. Secondly, the problems which are related to procedures of application and selection were analysed and the improvement plan to solve and improve them was offered. Thirdly, the suggestions for the increasing of efficiency of the academic research support system of the KRF were offered. Finally, the consistency of research policy frame should be guaranteed.