초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In recent years in the public discourse of many European countries there has been a shift in emphasis from poverty to social exclusion. Social exclusion is generally asserted to be multi-dimensional, in contrast to poverty, which is considered to be uni-dimensional and concerned with material resources taken alone. Social exclusion can be defined as a combination of lack of economic resources, social isolation, and limited access to social and civil rights. Social exclusion as a concept offers a broader perspective in addressing multi-dimensional disadvantage, especially in relation to social policy. The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of social exclusion and to find out the risk which women face and its implication for the women's policy in Korea. For this purpose, we provide an overview of some important thinkers about meaning of social exclusion, discuss the data and the empirical analysis, and deal with the implications of the results. The results show that there are many qualitative and quantitative differences between women and men, and women face a higher risk of social exclusion than the rest of the population.

In recent years in the public discourse of many European countries there has been a shift in emphasis from poverty to social exclusion. Social exclusion is generally asserted to be multi-dimensional, in contrast to poverty, which is considered to be uni-dimensional and concerned with material resources taken alone. Social exclusion can be defined as a combination of lack of economic resources, social isolation, and limited access to social and civil rights. Social exclusion as a concept offers a broader perspective in addressing multi-dimensional disadvantage, especially in relation to social policy. The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of social exclusion and to find out the risk which women face and its implication for the women's policy in Korea. For this purpose, we provide an overview of some important thinkers about meaning of social exclusion, discuss the data and the empirical analysis, and deal with the implications of the results. The results show that there are many qualitative and quantitative differences between women and men, and women face a higher risk of social exclusion than the rest of the population.

유럽을 비롯한 서구 복지선진국들에서는 종래의 빈곤 패러다임을 대체하는 것으로, 사회적 배제라는 개념을 사용하여 빈곤과 불평등에 관한 새로운 접근법을 제시하고 있다. 전통적인 빈곤개념이 주로 물질적으로 결핍된 상황이라는 정태적인 현상에 초점을 두고 있다면, 사회적 배제는 물질적 결핍이라는 현상을 넘어 이러한 현상이 나타나게 된 원인과 과정에 더 많은 관심을 두는 것이다. 이 연구에서는 빈곤의 여성화와 긴밀한 연관관계가 있는 것으로 파악되는 측면에 초점을 두고 여성의 사회적 배제 정도를 분석한다. 이 연구에서 다루고 있는 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사회적 배제에 관한 개념과 측정에 관련된 선행연구들을 논의한다. 둘째, 여성의 사회적 배제의 정도를 분석하기 위하여 선행연구에 대한 검토를 근거로 노동시장 측면, 복지국가체계 측면, 그리고 행정적 측면에서 여성의 참여정도에 초점을 두고 여성의 사회적 배제 정도를 분석한다. 셋째, 여성의 사회적 배제 정도에 대한 분석결과를 근거로 정책적 시사점을 제시한다.