초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper is designed to analyze institutional issues with respect to decentralization reform in Korea. It is certain that decentralization reform is closely connected with several stages of institutions, including by-laws, administrative rules and regulations, legislative laws and constitution. In addition, Special Law of Decentralization and Comprehensive Devolution Law have deeply something to do with decentralization reform. On the basis of problems vested in Special Law of Decentralization and Comprehensive Devolution Law, local governments not only have to prepare productive strategies to promote decentralization reform in the near future. Local governments also have to devote themselves to developing creative by-laws which are supposed to result in substantial promotion of decentralization. As far as decentralization reform is concerned, administrative rules and regulations which have imposed a high level of control over local governments are suggested to be replaced by by-laws which are supposed to be made by local governments. Finally, it is strongly suggested that Local Autonomy Act has to be amended to the direction of adopting a variety of models for local governments. [Key Words: 지방분권, 제도개혁, 행정입법, 지방분권특별법, 지방이양일괄법]

This paper is designed to analyze institutional issues with respect to decentralization reform in Korea. It is certain that decentralization reform is closely connected with several stages of institutions, including by-laws, administrative rules and regulations, legislative laws and constitution. In addition, Special Law of Decentralization and Comprehensive Devolution Law have deeply something to do with decentralization reform. On the basis of problems vested in Special Law of Decentralization and Comprehensive Devolution Law, local governments not only have to prepare productive strategies to promote decentralization reform in the near future. Local governments also have to devote themselves to developing creative by-laws which are supposed to result in substantial promotion of decentralization. As far as decentralization reform is concerned, administrative rules and regulations which have imposed a high level of control over local governments are suggested to be replaced by by-laws which are supposed to be made by local governments. Finally, it is strongly suggested that Local Autonomy Act has to be amended to the direction of adopting a variety of models for local governments. [Key Words: 지방분권, 제도개혁, 행정입법, 지방분권특별법, 지방이양일괄법]