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This study reviewed the question, how much does the ethical climate of public administration affect organizational effectiveness through empirical analysis in the case of G city, Gyunggi province. After analysis, the following facts were identified. First, the nine ethical climate indicators of Victor and Cullen could be collapsed to three ethical climate's types through factor analysis. Those are new public management type, traditional public administration type, and new public service type, and they are based on individualism, hierarchism, and egalitarianism respectively on what can be called public administration values. Second, to review more correctly the influence of ethical climate on organizational effectiveness, personal properties(gender and length of service) and structural properties (centralization and standardization) were controlled and a multiple regression analysis was carried out. After analysis, the ethical climate of traditional public administration types and new public service types correlated positively to the organizational effectiveness of behavioral perspective (organizational commitment and job sat is faction)insignificant level. This result is similar to the that of the business sphere. Another critical result is that the ethical climate of the new public management type didn't have a significant effect on organizational effectiveness, but had positive direction. This result is contrary to the results of business area study that ethical climate of new public management type has significant negative effect on organizational effectiveness. This fact suggests that as the skepticism and fatigue about practical effectiveness from excessive performance increase, and ethical climate of the new public management type is not related.

This study reviewed the question, how much does the ethical climate of public administration affect organizational effectiveness through empirical analysis in the case of G city, Gyunggi province. After analysis, the following facts were identified. First, the nine ethical climate indicators of Victor and Cullen could be collapsed to three ethical climate's types through factor analysis. Those are new public management type, traditional public administration type, and new public service type, and they are based on individualism, hierarchism, and egalitarianism respectively on what can be called public administration values. Second, to review more correctly the influence of ethical climate on organizational effectiveness, personal properties(gender and length of service) and structural properties (centralization and standardization) were controlled and a multiple regression analysis was carried out. After analysis, the ethical climate of traditional public administration types and new public service types correlated positively to the organizational effectiveness of behavioral perspective (organizational commitment and job sat is faction)insignificant level. This result is similar to the that of the business sphere. Another critical result is that the ethical climate of the new public management type didn't have a significant effect on organizational effectiveness, but had positive direction. This result is contrary to the results of business area study that ethical climate of new public management type has significant negative effect on organizational effectiveness. This fact suggests that as the skepticism and fatigue about practical effectiveness from excessive performance increase, and ethical climate of the new public management type is not related.