초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Recently, The local self-governing inspection system is magnifying the autonomy and independence of the local government legally from the central government. But the real effect is less than that of our expectation. Serious moral hazard events have been often reported continuously by the press etc. It is the resident who must endure final damage of such results. Actually, the self-inspection organization of the local authority takes charge of the role which prevent occurrence of corruption. But there is a basic limitation where the self-inspection organization of the local government implements it mission because of the problem of independence and expert and relationship with BAI(the board of audit and inspection of korea). Therefore in order to overcome above problems, we suggest the redefinition of the local self governing inspection and modification of the public audit law. Finally building the proper relationship between the local self inspection organization and BAI. Especially improving the capacity of the local self inspection organizatio is very important. To add, the reform of the public audit law would be necessary in order to promote the performance of audit system of the local government.