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한국 정부는 무력을 통한 통일이나 갑작스런 흡수통일보다는 점진적으로 남북경제공동체를 형성하는, 이른바 기능주의적 통합 방식으로 통일을 모색하고 있다. 그런데 이러한 남북경제공동체의 실현이 많은 시간을 요함은 물론이다. 남북경제공동체의 완성단계에서는 생산요소의 자유로운 이동뿐만 아니라, 경제 관련 법▪제도 등도 상당한 수준으로 동질화되어야 하나, 현재 매우 상이한 경제체제를 지니고 있는 남북한이 이러한 수준으로까지 경제관계를 발전시키기란 결코 쉬운 일이 아니기 때문이다. 게다가 경제공동체의 완성을 위해서는 경제적으로 뿐만 아니라, 정치적▪군사적으로도 선결되어야 할 문제들이 많이 존재한다. 그러므로 남북경제공동체의 형성을 위해서는 먼저 장기적이고 종합적인 계획을 수립한 다음, 그에 따라 착실하게 경제관계를 단계적으로 발전시켜 나가야 할 것이며, 초기단계에서는 남북경협의 활성화를 위해서 최우선적인 노력을 기울여야 한다. 남북경협사업이 순조롭게 확대▪발전되어 갈 경우, 기능주의적 통합이론에 입각해 볼 때, 남북간 상호신뢰의 축적과 함께 정치▪군사적 영역에서도 남북한 간 협력이 증대되는 파급효과가 나타나게 될 것이며, 이는 결과적으로 우리 모두가 원하는 한반도 긴장완화와 평화체제 구축은 물론, 궁극적으로 평화적인 민족통일의 초석을 마려하게 될 것이다. 본 논문에서는 「6.15 남북공동선언」이후 남북한 경제협력사업의 현황을 분석하고, 그 활성화를 위한 정책적 과제를 제언하고자 한다. 구체적 내용으로는 남북한이 2002년 8월의 남북경협추진위원회 제2차 회의에서 합의한 사항 가운데 경의선 및 동해선 연결사업, 개성공단 건설사업, 금강산 관광개발 사업 등을 다루고자 한다.

South korean Government has sought unification of the two Koreas through gradual formation of national unitary economic community, that is a functionalistic integration way, instead of an extreme way of using military power or sudden absorption unification. It is needless to say that it will take time in forming such a national unitary economic community between South and North korea. In mature stage of national unitary economic community, high level of homogeneity should be formed not only in terms of production factor's free mobility but also in terms of laws and institutions regarding the economy. However it seems very difficult that the two Koreas develop their economic relations up to such a higher level since nowadays they have totally different economic system. Furthermore, the two Korea are facing diverse political and military problems to be solved for forming a national unitary economic community, besides economic problems. Hence, the two koreas should establish a long-term, overall plan and follow it step by step in order to complete the national unitary economic community. The first priority should be put on activating South and North korean economic cooperation in earli stage of the plan. If the economic cooperation between the two Koreas is expanded and developed successfully, the effects will spread to political and military sectors, thus cooperative mood between the two sides can be made. Consequently , this will provide a foundation for establishment of Korean Peninsula's peace and peaceful unification of South and north Korea. the purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of major projects of South and North Korean economic cooperation since the Joint Declaration of South and North Korean summit Talk in 2000 and to suggest some policy implications for more effective execution of the economic cooperation. The major projects are South and North korean Railways and Roads Connection Project, Gaesung Industrial Complex Construction Project and Mt. Kumgang Tour Development Project.

South korean Government has sought unification of the two Koreas through gradual formation of national unitary economic community, that is a functionalistic integration way, instead of an extreme way of using military power or sudden absorption unification. It is needless to say that it will take time in forming such a national unitary economic community between South and North korea. In mature stage of national unitary economic community, high level of homogeneity should be formed not only in terms of production factor's free mobility but also in terms of laws and institutions regarding the economy. However it seems very difficult that the two Koreas develop their economic relations up to such a higher level since nowadays they have totally different economic system. Furthermore, the two Korea are facing diverse political and military problems to be solved for forming a national unitary economic community, besides economic problems. Hence, the two koreas should establish a long-term, overall plan and follow it step by step in order to complete the national unitary economic community. The first priority should be put on activating South and North korean economic cooperation in earli stage of the plan. If the economic cooperation between the two Koreas is expanded and developed successfully, the effects will spread to political and military sectors, thus cooperative mood between the two sides can be made. Consequently , this will provide a foundation for establishment of Korean Peninsula's peace and peaceful unification of South and north Korea. the purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of major projects of South and North Korean economic cooperation since the Joint Declaration of South and North Korean summit Talk in 2000 and to suggest some policy implications for more effective execution of the economic cooperation. The major projects are South and North korean Railways and Roads Connection Project, Gaesung Industrial Complex Construction Project and Mt. Kumgang Tour Development Project.