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Edith Stein analyzes in her phenomenological analysis the human being as person constituted of body, soul and spirit, and alive to the meantime, according to her female specificity, in the walk toward the truth of Mary completed in her “fiat”. Mary of Nazareth becomes the model of reference for Edith Stein and an example for the humanity. Mary, from the Annunciation up to the Pentecost, as transcendental subject reveals her in the most radical availability to an Other, and in its Truth that becomes mirror of the truth of the man is. In this perspective to know Mary is to know the essence of the human person and her truth to be. In fact the to answer with the “Fiat to the Incarnation of Christ”, that can vary in the different contexts, directs always toward the intelligence of the creature as to be available to the Truth in a meeting and in a transcendental dialogue. Of this ontological truth, Mary is clear mirror, her “fiat”, representative of the human reality, Virgo of the fiat constitutes her, perfect Bride, universal Mother of the Grace. The purpose of the study is this: to want to know Mary in the doctrine of Edith Stein and the Stein and her thought through her doing philosophy with and on Mary. This seems us a new proposal: the “Fiat” of philosophical and of phenomenological becomes the “Fiat” theological of the Trinity, the “Fiat” of her Father, of their Child and of the Spirit to the humanity, event of grace, and it becomes the “fiat” of Mary, and in her life as radical positive answer to the “Fiat”, “Eccomi”, “Yes” of God, event of liberty. A new chapter of the Christian anthropology is born. This article is concerned a new paradigm of the Christian Anthropology through Virgin Mary, Virgo of the “fiat”, reporting herself to the “fiat” to the Truth in her work and thought of Edith Stein