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Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005), a distinguished French philosopher as well as theologian, has become a major intelligent influence in contemporary hermeneutics, particularly in the area of the biblical theology. Through ideological and argumentative approaches, Ricoeur interprets revelation as the process by which the divine life is disclosed through the dynamic and tensional cross-fertilization of the different modes of discourse within the Bible. Thus the Bible is for him a theatre of creative poetic conflict, and revelation occurs in the literary space opened up by the working of the biblical texts on themselves. Accordingly this paper explores Ricoeur’s concept of revelation in relation to biblical hermeneutics by investigating both his biblical analyses and philosophical reflection. Specifically it discusses his biblical concept of revelation in terms of the various appearances in narrative, prophetic, prescriptive, wisdom, and hymnic discourse on one hand, and the text and testimony as philosophical reflection on revelation on the other. In concluding remarks, both positive and negative aspects of his hermeneutical approaches toward the idea of revelation will be briefly discussed.