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Comparative stylistics is aimed at comparing more than two languages and examining the distinct features of each language. A translation is the process of translating two different languages with the methods of comparative stylistics and organizing the differences of the writing style. In this study, we will compare and analyze the original text “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” with the Korean translated text “부자 아빠, 가난한 아빠” and the Chinese text “富爸爸爸爸” In addition, we will examine the differences among them in the methods of comparative stylistics. When we compare the Chinese version with the Korean version, it clearly shows that the differences and similarities of two languages which are from the same cultural backgrounds. When we compare the Chinese and Korean texts with the English text which is from a different cultural background, we can understand the typological features of each language: For example, (1) cause-and-effect relationship and affirmation-denial structure that are related to a word order (2) a personal pronoun on a text analysis (3) a modifier structure applying to a change of syntactic rules. This analysis can be used as a criterion of scrutinizing the definition of translationese and mistranslation and also can be used for translation education.

Comparative stylistics is aimed at comparing more than two languages and examining the distinct features of each language. A translation is the process of translating two different languages with the methods of comparative stylistics and organizing the differences of the writing style. In this study, we will compare and analyze the original text “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” with the Korean translated text “부자 아빠, 가난한 아빠” and the Chinese text “富爸爸爸爸” In addition, we will examine the differences among them in the methods of comparative stylistics. When we compare the Chinese version with the Korean version, it clearly shows that the differences and similarities of two languages which are from the same cultural backgrounds. When we compare the Chinese and Korean texts with the English text which is from a different cultural background, we can understand the typological features of each language: For example, (1) cause-and-effect relationship and affirmation-denial structure that are related to a word order (2) a personal pronoun on a text analysis (3) a modifier structure applying to a change of syntactic rules. This analysis can be used as a criterion of scrutinizing the definition of translationese and mistranslation and also can be used for translation education.