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This study intends to analyze the influence of Merleau-Ponty’s notion of flesh in Henry James “The Beast in the Jungle.” Notion of flesh is the invisible physical character which is located between the visible and the invisible and is the mixture, crossing or infiltration of these two characters. In the same way, Yulgok argued that the world was composed of the combination of Yi, a metaphysical substance and Gi, a physical substance. He strongly insisted that Yi and Gi are different things from each other but have an inseparable relation. The structure of “The Beast in the Jungle” is grounded in a similar vision of human consciousness insofar as Marcher begins his respective adventures by evading the limits that bind him. After being exposed to the other, Marcher arrives at a transcendental apprehension with the phenomenological reduction to the thing itself. It suggests that his later works begin to pay attention to object itself. More precisely, we can see his interest shift from on the human-centered to on the object-centered.