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One of the masters of Realism is Gustave Flaubert and his work Madame Bovary precedes Madame Liberty by about a century. However, they have in common the fact that both show a heroine who fails at money matters and love affair. This thesis aims at the comparison of the two works in terms of consciousness. Madame Bovary, called one of the representative works of Realism, shows the behaviour and consciousness of the hero and heroine as they are without any intervention on the part of the author. On the contrary, Madame Liberty quite often shows the author explaining of the behaviour and consciousness of the hero and heroine as it is a newspaper novelette. Both writers develop, though in part, their works through symbolical meaning of the names of the hero and heroine. For instance, the name Bovary reminds us of the work “bovine” which means “related to bull.” Also, the name of the convent which Emma attended when young is Ursuline, which is related to the word “ursine”, meaning “of bear.” These names seem to have a close connection with what they do and think. Another example is Lheureux which may have come from the word “heureux” meaning “happy.” Ironically, though, this character is one of several characters who cause Emma to commit suicide at the end of the work. In Madame Liberty Taeyeon Jang which means “self-possessed a long time” always stays composed. No matter what his wife Sunyeong Oh does against his social status, he always stays calm. No matter how badly she flirts with a young man living next door, he, then, also stays mute. Even though his wife causes him to lose face, he just stays where he is. Just before committing an adultery, she was caught and thrown out of the store she had been working for. Nevertheless, he forgives her whose appearance at the seminar he has attended appeases his anger against her. The difference in the consciousness of the heroines is clearly shown. While Emma tries to throw whatever she has in order to succeed in her extramarital love, Sunyeong Oh, though in love with other men, decides to keep her family. Though both of them spend much money on their love for men and pour much love into them, they show a sheer difference in that while Emma tries to go beyond the wall of family bond at whatever cost, Sunyeong Oh has decided to stay in that wall after a long mental struggle. Such difference of their consciousness and behaviour has brought the difference in their fate. Emma had to commit suicide; Sunyeong Oh regains her family to the effect that she can resume a new life. Such conclusion is quite natural in that Emma tried to sacrifice anything for her love and her own free and pleasant life; on the contrary, Sunyeong Oh tried to keep her family even in her extramarital love affair. Also, 20th-century Korea, though desperate after the Korean War, was generous enough to accept a woman who was on the verge of adultery as they shared a belief in a new era.