초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The subject of this article is ‘-원(員) Neologisms’ in the Modernization Period of Korean. The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of each Lexico-grammar and to investigate their word-formation rules. Further we will apprehend the evolution of the ‘-원(員) Neologisms’. ‘-원(員) Neologisms’ of the newspapers and magazines in the Modernization Period of Korean are as in the following. ‘간ㅅㆍ원(assistant administrator), 간호원(nurse), 검ㅅㆍ원(inspector), 견습원(apprentice), 고문원(adviser), 공ㅅㆍ원(government employee), 관방원(military frontier guards), 교셥원(negotiator), 교회원(christian), 긔ㅅㆍ원(recorder of land document), 긔ㅈㆍㅣ원(journalist), 됴사원(investigator), 령슈원(receiptor), 로쇠원(veteran), 명예원(honorary man), 번력원(translator), 보고원(reporter), 보조원(supplementary member), 보좌원(aide), 심판원(panel of judges), 은ㅎㆍㅣㅇ원(bank clerk), 젼투원(combatant), 졉ㄷㆍㅣ원(receptionist), 조합원(union member), 즁의원(member of the House of Representatives), 지샤원(branch manager), 지회원(field officer), 집무원(office worker), 찬무원(assistant worker), 찬셩원(supporter), 쵹탁원(part-time employee), 츌셕원( attendance), 측량원(surveyor), 탐보원(investigator), 통신원(reporter), 특파원(special correspondent), 파견원(resident employee), 편즙원(editor), 회계원(accountant), 회샤원(businessman), ㅅㆍ무원(clerk)’. They can be classified into four types according to the semantic features of the prior roots in the internal structure. In other words, ‘-원(員) Neologisms’ of the newspapers and magazines in the Modernization Period of Korean can be classified into [action], [location], [position], [others]. Today, there are words that are listed in the dictionary from ‘-원(員) Neologisms’ of the newspapers and magazines in the Modernization Period of Korean. But there are ghost words that are listed in the dictionary. Also there are ‘-원(員) Neologisms’ words that already disappeared in the in the Modernization Period of Korean.