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퇴계 이황의 교육사상에는 조선시대 교육의 이상과 지향점이 압축적으로 담겨 있다. 흔히 퇴계 이황의 교육사상은 율곡 이이의 교육사상과 대조적인 성격을 갖는다고 말한다. 하지만 이황과 이이는 유교적 설명체계를 통해 앎과 삶과 교육의 문제를 해석했다는 점에서 공통된 기반을 갖고 있기도 하다. 그들은 교육을 통한 이상적 인간상을 성인에 두었고, 교육에 관한 표방과 실천을 성리학적 구도 안에서 그려냈다. 이런 점에서 보면, 그들은 서로 동일한 지향을 갖는다 할 수 있다. 그런데 흔히 스승의 위대함은 제자들의 기념활동을 통해 설명되기도 한다. 우리가 퇴계 이황의 제자 중에서도 특히 월천 조목, 서애 유성룡, 학봉 김성일 등의 행보에 주목하는 경우는 여기에 있다. 이들은 스승의 가르침을 이행하는 일에 얼마나 많은 노력을 기울였을까? 결과론적인 얘기지만, 제자들의 삶과 학문은 스승의 삶과 학문을 그대로 닮아있다고 말하기 어렵다. 그들의 행보는 스승의 위신을 세웠다기 보다는 자신들의 욕망과 이기심을 드러내는 방향으로 나아갔으며, 상호분열과 대립양상을 보이기도 했다. 이들의 행보는 교육적 측면의 문제로 그치지 않고, 조선 후기의 정치적 지향에 심각한 영향을 끼쳤다.

The educational thought of Toe-gye 'Yi Hwang' is compressed the character of the education in Choseon Dynasty. The educational thought of Toe-gye 'Yi Hwang' and the one of Yul-gok 'Yi Yi' is a common comparison and it has common with each other. The eminence of a mentor Toe-gye 'Yi Hwang' is known as his disciples’ commemoration activities. We focus on attention their achievements among his disciples especially Wol-cheon 'Cho Mok,' Seo-ae 'Yu Seong-ryong', and Hak-bong 'Kim Seong-il.' How much did they make their efforts to practice the lesson of their mentor? This is what the criticism based on the result, the life and the study of disciples is hard to say that is similar figures to their mentor’s one. Their behaviors move on the opposite direction for their strong desires and egoistic minds than save the honor of the mentor. It shows conflict phase and break up each other. It distinctly affects political intention that is not all an educational aspect. This paper could be the root of understanding in Choseon Dynasty. It is the purpose to clear the character of Korean education through the relation of the mentor and his disciples.

The educational thought of Toe-gye 'Yi Hwang' is compressed the character of the education in Choseon Dynasty. The educational thought of Toe-gye 'Yi Hwang' and the one of Yul-gok 'Yi Yi' is a common comparison and it has common with each other. The eminence of a mentor Toe-gye 'Yi Hwang' is known as his disciples’ commemoration activities. We focus on attention their achievements among his disciples especially Wol-cheon 'Cho Mok,' Seo-ae 'Yu Seong-ryong', and Hak-bong 'Kim Seong-il.' How much did they make their efforts to practice the lesson of their mentor? This is what the criticism based on the result, the life and the study of disciples is hard to say that is similar figures to their mentor’s one. Their behaviors move on the opposite direction for their strong desires and egoistic minds than save the honor of the mentor. It shows conflict phase and break up each other. It distinctly affects political intention that is not all an educational aspect. This paper could be the root of understanding in Choseon Dynasty. It is the purpose to clear the character of Korean education through the relation of the mentor and his disciples.