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Using the survey on Chinese consumer in 7 regions, this paper explores the consumer market depth and consumer consciousness in contemporary China and their effect on modern Chinese consumer, especially, the collective imagination (“consumer consciousness”) of Chinese people among regions. Informed by recent studies and consumer market survey methods,this research project consisted of surveys with residents in 19 cities of China and OLS analysis on comsumer activity. The paper argues that “Consumer consciousness in China,” an officially-endorsed concept that has transformed a personal entity into a local cultural entity, is the most conspicuous and powerful public imagery produced and circulated in the contemporary Chinese consumer market. As a work of collective Consumer consciousness in regions, Chinese consumer creates a complex and contested space in which the Chinese consumer market, the regional consumer culture, and individuals and local communities seek to gain their own ground with various strategies and tactics. This paper has five chapters: Chapter one introduces the project and situates it within a theoretical,historical, and scholarly context. Chapter two details the methodological framework and lays out a specific design for the fieldwork in China. Chapter three probes Chinese consumer consciousness with the focus on 7 regions. Chapter four concerns consumption and regional differences on consumer activities caused by their unique consumer consciousness. The chapter examines survey and OLS analysis on consumers in 19 cities. Chapter five,the conclusion, reiterates the researchers’ interpretations, reflects on the methodology, and acknowledges limitations and implications of the present study.