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본 연구는 해방 후 최초의 주력산업이었던 섬유산업의 발흥, 성장, 조정과정에 따른 노동시장 변화와 노동생산성과 임금과의 관계에 대해 분석했다. 본 연구는 한국 최초의 주력산업의 라이프사이클을 확정짓는다는 장점과 더불어, 해방 후 약 60년간의 섬유산업 노동시장의 실태파악을 통해 자료의 제약으로 1960년대 이후밖에 파악할 수 없는 한국의 매크로 노동시장의 실태분석을 보완할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 발흥기의 한국 섬유산업은 해방 직후 중지했던 운영을 재개하거나 신설을 통해 중소규모 사업체가 다수 출현하고 재편되는 과정이었다. 이 시기의 노동시장은 초기에는 안정되지 않았지만 연중 입사와 퇴사 시기가 정착되는 형태로 1960년대 중반 이후 안정되어갔다. 성장기에는 먼저 설비운전률을 증가시켜 1960년대 후반 이후 고갈되기 시작한 노동력공급을 보충하였다. 1970년대 중반 이후 둔화된 설비운전률 증가속도를 보충하기 위해 노동시간을 확대하였다. 섬유산업의 노동시간은 1980년대 중반까지 확대되었는데, 이러한 확대를 뒷받침하기 위해 기숙사시설을 확장하고 수용인원을 증가시켰다. 이러한 성장기를 거쳐 한국 섬유산업은 1980년대 중반 이후 정체하게 되어 산업구조조정이 필요하게 되었는데, 이러한 조정은 이미 그 이전부터 단계적으로 시행되고 있었다. 즉 개별적으로 시행되었던 구조조정정책이 제도화되고 종합화되었다. 구조조정정책은 기업을 유도하기 위해 세금감면 등의 혜택을 제공하기도 했지만, 고용승계의 의무화 등의 규제조치도 동반하였다. 한국 노동시장연구의 중요 과제중의 하나가 1987년 이후의 노동생산성과 임금과의관계에 관한 것이다. 섬유산업의 노동생산성과 임금과의 관계를 살펴본 본 연구의 결과는 1987년 이후 실질임금상승률이 노동생산성증가율을 웃돌고 있다는 점을 확인하였지만, 노사간의 실질임금타결 수준은 1987년 이전과 이후 모두 크게 웃돌지 않았다는 점을 밝혔다.

This Study examined the evolution of textile industry and its labor market after 1945 in Korea. First, many small companies emerged as a new or renewal and disappeared during the rising era of textile industry in Korea. The labor market was not stabilized in initial era of rising but the month of entrance and retirement was fixed and it became steady after the mid of 1960s. Second, the textile companies increased the ratio of machine operation in order to compensate the shortage of labor force supply after 1960s as an initial era of the growth period. After 1970s, the textile companies increased working hours to replace the slowdown of machine operation’s ratio. The working time expanded until 1980s and the textile companies constructed dormitory for employees to maintain the enlargement of working time. Third, the textile industry of Korea should to adjust since the growth rate declined after the mid of 1980s. The restructuring policy, which already launched before 1980s separately, became institutionalization and synthesis. The Korean government not only supplied the benefit of tax reduction for merged company resulted from restructuring but regulated to keep the rule of employment succession for merged companies’ employee. In textile industry’s labor market in Korea, the increasing rate of real wage was higher than the increasing rate of labor productivity after 1987 which was the year of starting point of labor movement. But the agreement level for wage increase between company and employee was lower or a little bit of higher than the level of labor productivity increasing rate.

This Study examined the evolution of textile industry and its labor market after 1945 in Korea. First, many small companies emerged as a new or renewal and disappeared during the rising era of textile industry in Korea. The labor market was not stabilized in initial era of rising but the month of entrance and retirement was fixed and it became steady after the mid of 1960s. Second, the textile companies increased the ratio of machine operation in order to compensate the shortage of labor force supply after 1960s as an initial era of the growth period. After 1970s, the textile companies increased working hours to replace the slowdown of machine operation’s ratio. The working time expanded until 1980s and the textile companies constructed dormitory for employees to maintain the enlargement of working time. Third, the textile industry of Korea should to adjust since the growth rate declined after the mid of 1980s. The restructuring policy, which already launched before 1980s separately, became institutionalization and synthesis. The Korean government not only supplied the benefit of tax reduction for merged company resulted from restructuring but regulated to keep the rule of employment succession for merged companies’ employee. In textile industry’s labor market in Korea, the increasing rate of real wage was higher than the increasing rate of labor productivity after 1987 which was the year of starting point of labor movement. But the agreement level for wage increase between company and employee was lower or a little bit of higher than the level of labor productivity increasing rate.