초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The CISG provides the right to require performance concerning non-conformity of goods. At this time, the decision whether the product is suitable for the contract or not is made according to the Agreement provision No.35; Firstly, whether the seller delivered the product that its quantity, quality and description match the requirements of the contract. Secondly, by the suitability of the ordinary purpose, particular purpose or sample and models. If the seller provides the unsuitable products and that can be the fundamental breach, the purchaser can avod the contract. And the seller also reduce the price due to the unsuitable products. Especially when the seller’s delivery of non-conforming goods is not a fundamental breach, - namely insignificant non-conformity, the right to require to repair is a major remedy. If the goods do not conform with the contract and the failure constitutes a fundamental breach of contract, the buyer may require delivery of substitute goods (Art. 46 (2) CISG). On the other hand, if non-conformity constitutes an insignificant breach of contract, the buyer may require the seller to remedy the lack of conformity by repair (Art. 46 (3) CISG). Also Seller has right to avoidance(Art. 48 CISG), reduction in price(Art. 50 CISG), and compensation for damage(Art. 74-77 CISG). These CISG Regulation of non-conformity of goods cases give many implications for Korea, because of seller's right to cure is not exsited, criteria for non-conformity of goods is not regulated, and reduction in price is not provided in Korea Civil Code.