초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The real value of sport and the role of fair play and open the possibility that the fair value of the game, through the physical fitness value of honesty and hard work, will foster, camaraderie and sense of responsibility, cooperation and harmony in our society that planted the noble values, social integration contributes to. Spirit of fairness in sport, especially represented by the core values ​​of sport. Life of fairness in sports competition game by game results and details of the operation, and in some situations, such as polarization is determined for any reason that should not be absolute. Such unfair acts of betrayal for sports fans across the game interesting for the degradation or loss of confidence in the existence of a professional sports event itself may be threatened. In this paper, a game of unfair manipulation of sports officials and referees in the coming unfair judgment of such information and take a look at the causes for such policies to ensure the fairness of the existing types by presenting a review of the complement, fair and transparent sport environment to help, in the composition.