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본 논문은 프랑스 레지스탕스의 역사서술의 역사를 살펴본 것이다. 회고록의 경우, 1944년 이후 몇 년간 급증했다가 급감한 이후 반세기 넘게 별 증감이 없었던 반면, 역사서는 갈수록 늘어났다. 프랑스 레지스탕스 역사서술의 역사는 1980년까지, 총리실에 속한 기구인 2차 세계대전사 위원회(CHDGM)가 주도했던 시기와 그 이후 민간기구인 현재사 연구소(IHTP)가 그 역할을 인수한 시기로 나뉜다. 전자의 시기에는 레지스탕스 출신의 증인/역사가들의 역할이 두드러졌고, 후자의 시기에는 연구주제가 새롭고도 다양한 분야로 확산되었지만 역사가들에 대한 레지스탕스 세대의 통제는 1990년대까지 계속되었다. 또한 신화화와 망각이라는 이중의 위험으로부터 벗어나는 것은 오늘날도 여전히 레지스탕스사 역사가들에게 주어지는 과제다.

This article attempts to examine the historiography of the Resistance in France since 1945. In contrast with memoirs whose publication had increased rapidly and dropped off sharply in several years after 1944, and afterwards released steadily for more than half a century, history books were published much more over time. The historiography of the Resistance in France can be divided into two parts; up to 1980, during which it was controlled by the Committee of History of the Second World War(CHDGM), an Office of Premier-affiliated organization, and in the next phase, the committee was replaced by the Institute of History of the Present Times(IHTP), a non-governmental organization. In the first phase, the witnesses/ historians who had joined resistance movement played a prominent role, and in the second, the former generation continued to control the historiography into the 1990s in spite of appearance of the new and diversified topics. And even today, it is a challenging task for the historians of the Resistance to overcome a sort of double jeopardy of mystification and forgetting.

Cette étude examine l'historiographie de la Résistance française depuis 1945. Pendant que les mémoires dont la publication a fluctué pendant quelques années après 1944 étaient constamment mis en circulation durant plus d’un demi-siècle, les ouvrages historiques ont augmenté de plus en plus au fil des années. L'historiographie de la Résistance française se compose de deux périodes: dans la première période jusqu’à 1980, elle avait été commandée par le Comité d'Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale (CHDGM), une organisation jointe au Bureau du Premier ministre, et dans le second, ce comité a été remplacé par l'Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent (IHTP), une institution civile. Dans la première phase, les témoins/historiens qui étaient anciens résistants ont joué un rôle de premier plan, alors que dans la seconde les sujets ont été élargis à nouveaux et différents domaines, quoiqu’une génération d'anciens résistants continuait à influencer encore les historiens dans les années 1990. Et même aujourd'hui, il est une tâche pour les historiens de la Résistance de surmonter le double danger, la mystification et l'oubli.