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현실적 필요성은 증가하고 있으나 자기 주도성이나 학습능력이 부족한 초등학교 학생들에게는 어렵게 생각되어 초등교육 현장에서는 아직 쉽게 적용되지 못하고 있는 문제중심학습 (PBL)의 교수학습 과정을 구체화하여 초등학교 교실에서 적용 가능한 문제중심학습모형을 구축하고자 하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 기존의 여러 문제중심학습과정 관련 문헌들로부터 공통적으로 중시되는 단계들을 중심으로 하여 1) 문제 만나기, 2) 문제 해결계획 세우기, 3) 탐색하기, 4) 문제해결책 만들기, 5) 발표 및 평가하기 의 절차를 추출하였으며, 각 단계의 의미 및 범위, 그리고 주요활동들이 어떻게 이루어져야 하는지를 구체적으로 제시, 논의하였다. 또한 이러한 과정을 초등 6학년 과학에서 ‘태풍’을 주제로 하여 ‘일기예보’ 단원을 위해 개발한 문제중심학습의 예를 통해 구체화하였다. 특히 어린 학습자들이 문제중심학습의 일련의 과정을 잘 수행하여 본래 문제중심학습의 의도에서도 벗어나지 않도록 하기 위해 교사가 안내자, 즉 코치로서의 역할을 어떻게 해야 하는지를 구체적인 활동 및 교사 발문의 예시를 통해 제시하였다.

PBL has been recognized as an appropriate model to connect the learner's knowledge to his(her) real world, to make the school learning effective and useful. However it has rarely been implemented in elementary schools because classroom teachers feel that PBL is too difficult for young children. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design a teaching-learning process appropriate for elementary school children. Essential teaching and learning factors(processes) for PBL are drawn from literature review as follows; 1) meeting a problem 2) setting solution plans 3) exploring knowledge and skills 4) producing products 5) presentation and evaluating the product. The meaning and scope of each process is described and major activities are explained in detail. Further, those steps are illustrated using an example of the 'typhoon' problem for the 'weather forecasting' unit of the 6th grade Science curriculum in elementary school. Also for the role of teacher as a coach, guiding strategies are suggested and explained in teacher's questioning forms appropriate for elementary school children.

PBL has been recognized as an appropriate model to connect the learner's knowledge to his(her) real world, to make the school learning effective and useful. However it has rarely been implemented in elementary schools because classroom teachers feel that PBL is too difficult for young children. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design a teaching-learning process appropriate for elementary school children. Essential teaching and learning factors(processes) for PBL are drawn from literature review as follows; 1) meeting a problem 2) setting solution plans 3) exploring knowledge and skills 4) producing products 5) presentation and evaluating the product. The meaning and scope of each process is described and major activities are explained in detail. Further, those steps are illustrated using an example of the 'typhoon' problem for the 'weather forecasting' unit of the 6th grade Science curriculum in elementary school. Also for the role of teacher as a coach, guiding strategies are suggested and explained in teacher's questioning forms appropriate for elementary school children.