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This Study is to write on publication as a source of other medias in digital times. The developments of digital technologies can let printing media and electronic media combined each other. So we can change one cultural products into another one easily. We call it window effects of cultural industries. Publication can be a source of other medias. Novel and cartoon can be sources of animations, movies, dramas, games. Old media like printing media has much contents that can be used as a source of other medias. What makes publication companies adapt this strategy is that people of today for media trend is very complex. Thus, they makes several kinds of media version. If novels and cartoons proved to be successful, they would be remaded as animations, movies, dramas, games with same theme. Cartoons are used sources of other media mostly in Korea. To produce Media-Mix and One-source Multi-use actively, the problem of ownership has to be solved. The writer's right of his works must be guaranteed to produce them. Global major media companies use one-source multi-use strategy in multi media era. Korean publishing companies needs way to use their books as sources of animation, drama, movies, games, since Korea has well-equipped internet facilities and much people uses internet. Many people, especially in East Asia, loves Korean mass culture and Korean stars, so called Han-Ryu. Therefore Korean publishing companies should use this cultural trends to export their books. As East Asians like Korean drama, music, movies. Korean publishing company will have good chances to sell their books.

This Study is to write on publication as a source of other medias in digital times. The developments of digital technologies can let printing media and electronic media combined each other. So we can change one cultural products into another one easily. We call it window effects of cultural industries. Publication can be a source of other medias. Novel and cartoon can be sources of animations, movies, dramas, games. Old media like printing media has much contents that can be used as a source of other medias. What makes publication companies adapt this strategy is that people of today for media trend is very complex. Thus, they makes several kinds of media version. If novels and cartoons proved to be successful, they would be remaded as animations, movies, dramas, games with same theme. Cartoons are used sources of other media mostly in Korea. To produce Media-Mix and One-source Multi-use actively, the problem of ownership has to be solved. The writer's right of his works must be guaranteed to produce them. Global major media companies use one-source multi-use strategy in multi media era. Korean publishing companies needs way to use their books as sources of animation, drama, movies, games, since Korea has well-equipped internet facilities and much people uses internet. Many people, especially in East Asia, loves Korean mass culture and Korean stars, so called Han-Ryu. Therefore Korean publishing companies should use this cultural trends to export their books. As East Asians like Korean drama, music, movies. Korean publishing company will have good chances to sell their books.