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본 연구는 1920/30년대 취미독물을 표방하며 발행된 근대잡지《별건곤》의 매체 발행전략을 고찰하는 것이다. 1920년대는 3.1운동 이후 일제가 문화통치를 표방하여 조선인의 언론활동을 다소나마 허용한 시기였다. 여기에 3.1운동 이후 대두된 민족주의와 사회주의가 조선 독립을 위한 이념적 지형을 형성하면서 각 부문운동을 고양시켰다. 이러한 시대적 상황에서 민족독립과 민중계몽이라는 화두를 부여잡으면서 잡지의 발행 역시 활발하게 전개됐다. 이 와중에서 천도교의 후원을 바탕으로 설립된 개벽사는 대중적 종합잡지《개벽》을 발행하면서 당시 잡지계를 이끌었다. 하지만, 1926년《개벽》이 강제 폐간되었고, 개벽사는 이의 후속잡지로《별건곤》을 내놓았다. 이후《별건곤》은 1920년대 후반 개벽사의 대표적 잡지로 대중의 인기를 끌며, 74호까지 발행됐다. 취미독물로서《별건곤》은 다양한 유형의 글을 게재했기에 당대의 시대상을 읽어내는 중요한 연구 자료가 되기도 한다. 하지만 아직까지 별건곤 자체에 대한 연구는 그리 많지 않은 편이다. 이에 본 연구는 개벽사와《별건곤》이라는 매체 자체에 주목하며 매체 발행 전략을 분석한다. 결론적으로 이 연구는 다음과 같은 점을 밝히고 있다. 첫째,《별건곤》의 발행 주체로서 개벽사는 천도교 사회운동의 전략인 문화운동의 실천체라는 것이다. 1920/30년대 천도교는 후천개벽 사상을 바탕으로 신인간 창조운동에 주력했으며, 이를 위해 문화운동을 사회적 실천 전략으로 추진했고, 이을 위해 개벽사를 설립하여 문화운동으로서 언론활동을 전개했다. 둘째,《별건곤》의 발행 배경 및 편집방향 역시 천도교 문화운동을 바탕으로 근대 식민지 시기의 민족 계몽을 위한 것이다는 점이다. 셋째,《별건곤》의 발행 체제는 개벽사의 전략적 판단에 따라 별건곤 집중 시기, 매체 차별화 시기, 대중화 및 차별화 시기로 구분된다는 것이다.

This study focus on the media strategies of Gaebyeoksa(publishing company) and Byeolgeongon as modern reading material in 1920s/1930s. In 1920s, Korea was under the rule of Japanese imperialism. Since 3.1 Pro-independence Movement in 1919,colonial Japanese authorities allowed somewhat media activity by Korean. Also,Nationalism and Socialism had flourished for the ideology of independence. Based on these atmosphere, Publishing business for Magazine activated as a campaign for enlightenment and to inspire independence. That days, Gaebyeoksa which was supported by Cheondo Religion issued a popular magazine 'Gaebyeok' and led the Korean publishing scene. However, the Magazine 'Gaebyeok' was forcibly ceased publication by colonial Japanese authorities in 1926, and that Gaebyeoksa launched another popular magazine tilted 'Byeolgeongon'. After that time, 'Byeolgeongon'became representative publishing of Gaebyeoksa and issued to volume 74 during 9 years. The feature of 'Byeolgeongon' is modern reading material for popular hobby. These days, 'Byeolgeongon' is important text to research about Korean's modern life and the phases of that times. But there are a few of study about 'Byeolgeongon'itself. So, this study focus on the media strategies of Gaebyeoksa and 'Byeolgeongon'. Summary of this study is below; First, Gaebyeoksa as the publisher of 'Byeolgeongon' is a kind of practical organization for cultural movement which was promoted by Cheondo Religion in 1920s-1930s. Second, the publishing policy of 'Byeolgeongon'is for enlightenment of modern Korean and it also based on Cheondo Religion's social movement strategies. Thirds, the strategy of 'Byeolgeongon' publishing is divided as the times of 'Byeolgeongon' concentration, the times of differentiation,and the times of popularization and differentiation according to Gaebyeoksa's publishing strategies.

This study focus on the media strategies of Gaebyeoksa(publishing company) and Byeolgeongon as modern reading material in 1920s/1930s. In 1920s, Korea was under the rule of Japanese imperialism. Since 3.1 Pro-independence Movement in 1919,colonial Japanese authorities allowed somewhat media activity by Korean. Also,Nationalism and Socialism had flourished for the ideology of independence. Based on these atmosphere, Publishing business for Magazine activated as a campaign for enlightenment and to inspire independence. That days, Gaebyeoksa which was supported by Cheondo Religion issued a popular magazine 'Gaebyeok' and led the Korean publishing scene. However, the Magazine 'Gaebyeok' was forcibly ceased publication by colonial Japanese authorities in 1926, and that Gaebyeoksa launched another popular magazine tilted 'Byeolgeongon'. After that time, 'Byeolgeongon'became representative publishing of Gaebyeoksa and issued to volume 74 during 9 years. The feature of 'Byeolgeongon' is modern reading material for popular hobby. These days, 'Byeolgeongon' is important text to research about Korean's modern life and the phases of that times. But there are a few of study about 'Byeolgeongon'itself. So, this study focus on the media strategies of Gaebyeoksa and 'Byeolgeongon'. Summary of this study is below; First, Gaebyeoksa as the publisher of 'Byeolgeongon' is a kind of practical organization for cultural movement which was promoted by Cheondo Religion in 1920s-1930s. Second, the publishing policy of 'Byeolgeongon'is for enlightenment of modern Korean and it also based on Cheondo Religion's social movement strategies. Thirds, the strategy of 'Byeolgeongon' publishing is divided as the times of 'Byeolgeongon' concentration, the times of differentiation,and the times of popularization and differentiation according to Gaebyeoksa's publishing strategies.