초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The goal of the article is to describe the problem and improvement of International Education Quality Assurance System that led by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The article discusses the core problems of evaluation index of the assurance system. First, it is about the index of the variety of foreign students. There is no direct correlation between a variety of foreign students and qualitative management of foreign students. Emphasizing only a variety of nationalities of foreign students is not suitable for government policies which is about the expansion of attracting foreign students, and it can cause low morale of universities that have tailored education, and individualized education which is responsible for students’ admission, graduation, and job. Second, it is about the index of linguistic ability. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology makes the standard of certified universities based on the forth-level TOPIK of 30% and over, but it can be judged as little excessive standard. In Regional universities, unlike universities located in Seoul, foreign students who are admitted have mostly second or third level of TOPIK, so it is needed to be downward revision. Of course, there would be concern about a decline in learning quality, but it can be solved when a graduation requirement is limited by a forth-level of TOPIK. Therefore, International Education Quality Assurance System improves the university’s responsibility, and it attracts and manages outstanding foreign students in domestic universities, but several problems and the unequal distribution of some index are needed to be concerned and improved.