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忠孝思想은 동양 문화권 내에서 계승⋅유지되어 오면서 하나의 傳統思想으로 자리매김하였다. 특히, 孝는 서양문화권에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 동양 고유의 사상이고, 초기 儒學에 나타난 忠은 서양국가에 있어 君主나 國家에 절대적으로 복종하는 충과는 다른 독특한 특성을 지닌다. 다만, 후대 동양문화권에서도 초기에 보이는 충의 모습이 아닌 국가를 대상으로 하는 충으로 변질된다. 이러한 충효사상은 상당 기간 우리의 삶 속에 녹아들게 되었고 현재까지 이어져 현대인의 정신에 면면이 이어져 오고 있지만, 시대에 따라 방법과 의미상의 차이를 보인다. 특히 삼국시대는 우리 민족이 충효이념을 받아들인 최초의 시기로 한국의 역사에 있어서 중요한 전환점이 되는 중앙집권적 고대 국가로 국가체제가 정비되었던 시기이다. 또한 한자의 사용이 확산되면서 각종 외래사상이 전래⋅수용⋅전개되었다. 이를 바탕으로 스스로의 사상을 체계화하고 제반 학술을 교육하는 등 문화 전반에 걸쳐서 획기적 진보를 이룩하였다. 그 중 충효사상은 중앙집권화라는 측면에서 가장 강조되었고 삼국의 갈등이 격화되고, 외세의 위협으로 인해 공적인 국가사상이 굳어지면서 효보다 충이 사상적 우위를 차지하게 되었다. 비록 충이 사상적 우위를 차지하고 있다고는 하지만 삼국시대 충효관은 보통 충을 미루어 효에 이르는 모습이 아닌 충과 효가 하나의 형태로 드러난다. 따라서 당대의 충과 효는 상호 분리되거나 어느 한 가지를 미루어 도달하는 것이 아닌, 충이 곧 효고 효가 곧 충이 되는 충효일치관적 성격을 보인다.

The thought of loyalty and filial piety has been the traditionalism in the oriental culture area with succession and mainternance. Especially, filial duty is one of the unique thought in only the orient and the loyalty originated in confucianism has unique property in contrast to the royalty in the west, which demands the absolute obedience. However, the loyalty in the latter oriental culture changed the same meaning as in the west. In this thought of loyalty and filial piety has passed into our life and continued to this day, however it shows the different meanings and methods according to the period of history. In particular, the Three Kingdom Period was the era when the thought of loyalty and filial piety was taken for the first time so it was the critical turning point going to the system of ancient centralized country. Use of Chinese character spread during this period as well with the change of introduction, acceptance, and development of a variety of imported ideas. As a base on this change, the Three Kingdom had systematized their own thoughts, educated all kinds of academic lectures and achieved the great advanced culture in general. Among them, especially, the thought of loyalty and filial piety were emphasized in terms of centralization of power and the loyalty was better than filial piety officially becoming the national thoughts by growing internal conflict within the Three Kingdom and also being external threatened from foreign powers. Even though the loyalty was superior to filial piety, they have been shown not as the mainly considered loyalty but as the one image between the loyalty and filial piety. So we can say that the loyalty and filial piety can not be separated each other but the loyalty could be filial piety and vise versa.

The thought of loyalty and filial piety has been the traditionalism in the oriental culture area with succession and mainternance. Especially, filial duty is one of the unique thought in only the orient and the loyalty originated in confucianism has unique property in contrast to the royalty in the west, which demands the absolute obedience. However, the loyalty in the latter oriental culture changed the same meaning as in the west. In this thought of loyalty and filial piety has passed into our life and continued to this day, however it shows the different meanings and methods according to the period of history. In particular, the Three Kingdom Period was the era when the thought of loyalty and filial piety was taken for the first time so it was the critical turning point going to the system of ancient centralized country. Use of Chinese character spread during this period as well with the change of introduction, acceptance, and development of a variety of imported ideas. As a base on this change, the Three Kingdom had systematized their own thoughts, educated all kinds of academic lectures and achieved the great advanced culture in general. Among them, especially, the thought of loyalty and filial piety were emphasized in terms of centralization of power and the loyalty was better than filial piety officially becoming the national thoughts by growing internal conflict within the Three Kingdom and also being external threatened from foreign powers. Even though the loyalty was superior to filial piety, they have been shown not as the mainly considered loyalty but as the one image between the loyalty and filial piety. So we can say that the loyalty and filial piety can not be separated each other but the loyalty could be filial piety and vise versa.