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 인성교육이 교육의 화두가 되고 있다. 우리나라는 예로부터 올바른 인성을 지닌 사람을 성인, 군자로 추대하며 추구해야 할 인간상으로 제시하였다. ‘한문’은 이러한 성인, 군자의 모습, 생활태도가 교과의 제재로 가장 많이 드러나는 과목이다.  인성은 사람의 품성이다. 인성교육은 교사가 미성숙한 학생들을 대상으로 그들의 ‘됨됨이’를 의도적으로 올바르게, 가치 지향적으로 변화시키는 것을 말한다.  한문교과는 한문 독해 능력을 가장 중요한 교과의 목표로 삼지만, 교과 내용에는 다분히 인성 덕목들이 자주 노출되고 있으며 이에 대한 제재와 소재가 무수히 포함되어 있다. 본문의 출전은 대체적으로 전통시대 개인의 수양을 위한 책들이 주류를 이루고 있다. 이러한 것은 한문교과서가 다른 어떤 과목보다 인성 덕목의 내용을 많이 포함하고 있으며 인성교육의 인식화와 내면화를 실현하기에 적절한 교과로 인식될 수 있다는 것이다. 다만 덕목의 중점이 전통시대의 주요 가치였던 가족 중심의 효도, 우애, 자기 성찰 등이 주요 내용을 이루는 점이 최근의 공익 중심 도덕 개념과 차이가 나는 점이다.  한문과에서 인성 덕목의 수업은 다양하게 실시할 수 있다. 한자를 가르칠 때 한자의 모양이나 뜻의 지도를 통해 인성교육을 실시할 수 있다. 한자 어휘나 성어를 학습할 때도 그 유래를 밝히는 과정이나 어휘가 포함된 글을 읽으면서 자연스럽게 인성교육을 시킬 수가 있다. 인성덕목 관련 단문이나 장문 등은 선인들의 일화를 통해 인성덕목을 비교하고 조직화하며 내면화할 수 있는 소재가 될 수 있으며 수업시간의 비중에 따라 심층적인 인성교육까지 실시할 수 있는 장점이 있다.  한문과는 한자 학습을 통해 한문 문장의 올바른 해석을 주요한 교과목표로 삼지만, 부수적으로 다른 교과에 비해 인성 덕목에 대한 노출 빈도가 높아 한문교사의 의지에 따라 인성함양에 적합한 수업으로 재구성할 개연성이 큰 교과이다.

 Personality education is becoming the theme of education throughout the world. Korea has praised those with upright characters as saints and man of virtue from old days and presented them as a desirable human character. It is the Chinese classes that become the most popular materials for showing images and attitudes of saints, men of virtues.  Personality is a character of a man. Personality education refers to changing immature students intentionally into righteous and value-oriented person.  The ability to read and comprehend Chinese is the most important goal for Chinese classes but curriculum contains many materials and themes on personality and virtues. The sources of this study are mainly on books for developing self in old times. Chinese classes contain personality and virtues then any other subjects and can be regarded as subject appropriate for teaching personality education and realize internalization. However, the difference with recent concept of common good is that they focus on family oriented filial duty, friendship, personal self-examination which were key values in old times.  Personality education in Chinese classes can be conducted in various ways. Teachers can teach by explaining sources when teaching Chinese characters and teach contents related with personality. Teachers can also teach personality while reading verses or vocabularies containing sources while teaching Chinese vocabularies or phrases. Short phrases or verses related with personality and virtue can be good materials for comparing, organizing and internalizing personality through stories of ancestors and in-depth personality education can be conducted depending on the number of class hours.  The goal of Chinese classes is still about correct interpretation of Chinese sentences by learning Chinese characters but education on personality and virtue can change into classes ideal for developing personality depending on the will of a teacher since this class is frequently exposed to personality and virtue then other subjects.

 Personality education is becoming the theme of education throughout the world. Korea has praised those with upright characters as saints and man of virtue from old days and presented them as a desirable human character. It is the Chinese classes that become the most popular materials for showing images and attitudes of saints, men of virtues.  Personality is a character of a man. Personality education refers to changing immature students intentionally into righteous and value-oriented person.  The ability to read and comprehend Chinese is the most important goal for Chinese classes but curriculum contains many materials and themes on personality and virtues. The sources of this study are mainly on books for developing self in old times. Chinese classes contain personality and virtues then any other subjects and can be regarded as subject appropriate for teaching personality education and realize internalization. However, the difference with recent concept of common good is that they focus on family oriented filial duty, friendship, personal self-examination which were key values in old times.  Personality education in Chinese classes can be conducted in various ways. Teachers can teach by explaining sources when teaching Chinese characters and teach contents related with personality. Teachers can also teach personality while reading verses or vocabularies containing sources while teaching Chinese vocabularies or phrases. Short phrases or verses related with personality and virtue can be good materials for comparing, organizing and internalizing personality through stories of ancestors and in-depth personality education can be conducted depending on the number of class hours.  The goal of Chinese classes is still about correct interpretation of Chinese sentences by learning Chinese characters but education on personality and virtue can change into classes ideal for developing personality depending on the will of a teacher since this class is frequently exposed to personality and virtue then other subjects.