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The aspect of history known as "cultural landscapes" exists within nature, alongside with human history. This study will look inside the cultural unique form of Sonjuk-do, the "sea culture" of Sonjukdo by observing the island's various features such as history, culture, natural environment, and men. The study of "sea culture" was relatively uncommon compared to other studies, but now is starting to be taken into interest, for it tries to provide a new turn in the understanding of traditional cultural landscapes. The study is significant for the following reasons :It reports the island's historical background and cultural resources. Also, it provides a bases for the sustainable development for the reciprocal relation between men and the nature which man uses and inhabits. The value of space, structure and parameters of the cultural space is interpreted from a man's perceptive. Moreover, it provides a background for sea culture by giving out the formation of landscapes and presenting new values which had been developed by contemporary adaptation. Overall the study is conducted upon the basic investigation of Sonjukdo's history, people, artifacts, records, and detailed observations of its natural assets and sea landscapes. It also provides information on the unique sea culture landscapes of Sonjuk Island regarding nature. The social, historical and local relationship between nature and the inhabitants of the sea culture is revealed. The village of Sonjukdo was constructed based on its historical backgrounds. The villagers have a cultural pride of their unique relationship with nature and by preserving nature properly have built up the groundwork for its constant settlement.