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This study was conducted to figure out the relationship between push and pull factors that determines the demand of heritage tourism. It also examines the structural relation between push pull factors in a group, in order to verify the generalization possibility on relation frame. 29 push factors and 12 pull factors were selected and categorized. As for the main analysis, 5 different push factors(nature-desire, deviation/recreation, education, achievement, position/friendship factors) and 3 pull factors (natural resources' attractiveness, kindness/guide, accessibility/information) were used. Firstly, the relationship among the selected 5 push and 3 pull factors was analyzed through the Canonical Correlation Analysis. This study then covered the relation between the pull factor, natural resources attractiveness and push factors, education, achievement and deviation/recreation. Secondly, this study showed that the relation between push and pull factors could be generalized since the experiment on coefficient of residence, sex group and the outcome of whole group based on canonical cross-loading(main measure of Canonical Correlation Analysis) showed similar results.