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우리나라 노인가구의 소득구성 및 빈곤율 분석 -가구유형별 근로소득과 공적연금소득의 비중 및 빈곤제거효과를 중심으로- 김수완(국민연금연구원 부연구위원) 조유미(국민연금연구원 연구원) 이 연구는 다층소득보장체계가 미성숙한 현시점에서 우리나라 노인계층의 소득구성 실태를 파악하고 외국과의 비교를 통해 우리나라 소득구성의 특징을 파악하는 한편 근로소득과 공적연금에 주목하고자 하였다. 이에 가구의 특성별(연령별, 성별, 소득분위별) 소득구성의 차이를 분석하고, 가구주의 근로여부별, 공적연금 수급여부별, 자녀동거여부 등에 따라 각 소득원의 구성이 어떻게 달라지며 각 소득원이 빈곤을 해결하는데 얼마나 효과가 있는가를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 노후 가구에서도 근로소득비율이 상당히 높았으며 특히 고소득, 고연령일수록 기타가구원의 근로소득에 의해 근로소득 비중이 높게 나타나는 경향을 보여주었다. 공적연금 수급비율은 높지 않으나 일단 수급하는 경우 가구소득 중 차지하는 비율은 상당히 높게 나타났다. 또한 성인자녀와 동거할 경우 노인의 경제 상황에 크게 기여하는 것을 확인하였다. 주제어 : 노후소득구성, 빈곤완화효과, 공적이전, 사적이전
The Old-age Income Packages and Their Anti-Poverty Effectiveness in Korea Soo-wan Kim Yu-mi Cho In Korea, multi-pillar systems for old-age income security is yet immature. Under this circumstances, this study to catch the old-age income package in Korea and reveal the characteristics of each income sources in terms of distributional effects. Differences of old-age household income package according to income level, gender and age of the householder was analyzed, and how each income source is effective to reduce old-age poverty. The results suggested that working income in even old-age household was still high, especially in higher income and older age group due to compensatory earnings of non-elderly household members. Comparative analysis with other OECD countries in old-age income package showed the far higher proportion of income from work and private transfers and lower share of public transfer incomes in Korea. Even though the take-up rate of public pension is yet low, the share of public pension was substantial among the households with pension benefits. The portion of other public and private transfers revealed higher in The lower income and older householder. Finally, we also investigated the substitute relationship between public pension and private transfer in Korea. Keywords: Old-age Income Package, Poverty Reduction Effect, Public Transfer, Private Transfer
The Old-age Income Packages and Their Anti-Poverty Effectiveness in Korea Soo-wan Kim Yu-mi Cho In Korea, multi-pillar systems for old-age income security is yet immature. Under this circumstances, this study to catch the old-age income package in Korea and reveal the characteristics of each income sources in terms of distributional effects. Differences of old-age household income package according to income level, gender and age of the householder was analyzed, and how each income source is effective to reduce old-age poverty. The results suggested that working income in even old-age household was still high, especially in higher income and older age group due to compensatory earnings of non-elderly household members. Comparative analysis with other OECD countries in old-age income package showed the far higher proportion of income from work and private transfers and lower share of public transfer incomes in Korea. Even though the take-up rate of public pension is yet low, the share of public pension was substantial among the households with pension benefits. The portion of other public and private transfers revealed higher in The lower income and older householder. Finally, we also investigated the substitute relationship between public pension and private transfer in Korea. Keywords: Old-age Income Package, Poverty Reduction Effect, Public Transfer, Private Transfer
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Old-age Income Package, Poverty Reduction Effect, Public Transfer, Private Transfer