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분쟁당사자 사이의 합의를 기반으로 하는 조정제도에서 조정에 갈음하는 결정은 독특한 위치를 차지한다. 조정에 갈음하는 결정은 분쟁당사자 사이의 원만한 합의를 도출하는 것에 실패했을 때 내려지기 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 조정에 갈음하는 결정은 일정한 요건을 갖추었을 경우 조정성립과 마찬가지의 효력(재판상 화해와 동일한 효력)을 갖는다. 즉, 조정에 갈음하는 결정이 조정이 성립된 경우와 마찬가지로 재판상 화해와 동일한 효력을 발생시킬 수 있는 유일한 근거는 사후적으로나마 당사자의 동의를 득하기 때문이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 조정에 갈음하는 결정의 본질에 대해서 학계에서나 실무상으로 정리되어 있지 않아 여러 가지 혼란이 초래되고 있다. 법규 및 실무상 조정에 갈음하는 결정을 조서가 아닌 결정서의 형태로 정리하고 있다는 점이라든가, 결정서에 주문을 적도록 한 점, 또한 일반 민사소송의 원칙으로 자리잡고 있는 처분권주의와 유사한 뜻의 ‘신청취지에 반하지 않는 한도’ 안에서 결정하도록 하는 점, 무엇보다 신청인의 주장의 당부를 해당 중재부가 판단하여 결정을 내리도록 하는 점 등은 모두 이 제도를 재판과 유사한 것으로 이해하고 있음을 보여준다. 그러나 조정에 갈음하는 결정에 재판과 유사한 측면만 존재하는 것은 아니다. 주문 기재 시 당사자 간에 합의가 된 것처럼 ‘한다’체의 문구로 결정사항을 정리하고 있으며 결정의 효력 발생 시점을 이의신청 기간이 도과된 시점에서야 실무상 발생하는 것으로 보고 있는 점, 당사자의 사후적 동의를 득하도록 하는 점 등은 모두 이 제도가 조정의 성립과 마찬가지로 당사자의 자발적 합의 내지는 의사를 기반으로 한다는 것을 보여준다. 이러한 법규 및 실무상 혼란이 초래되고 있는 원인은 다름 아닌 조정에 갈음하는 결정 제도의 법적 본질에 대한 혼란으로부터 초래되었다고 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 그러므로 현재와 같은 제도의 혼란을 정리하기 위해서는 서로 상충하는 요소를 일관된 관점에서 수정하지 않으면 안 된다. 특히, 위에서 열거한 내용 중에 마치 조정에 갈음하는 결정을 재판과 유사한 것으로 이해하는 전제 하에서 법제화되어 있는 사항들은 상황에 따라 삭제되거나 수정되는 것이 입법 정책적으로 바람직하다 생각한다. 즉, 조정에 갈음하는 결정이 내려진 경우 결정서가 아닌 결정조서의 형태로 정리할 필요가 있다. 이때 결정서에서처럼 관여 중재위원 전원이 서명 날인 할 것이 아니다. 일반 조서와 마찬가지로 중재부장과 조사관이 기명날인하면 된다. 결정사항 역시 ‘주문’이라는 명칭으로 적시할 것이 아니다. 결정사항 정도의 명칭으로 최종 결과를 표시하면 족하다. 처분권주의를 연상시키는 언론중재법 상의 문구는 삭제하는 것도 바람직하다. 신청인의 신청취지의 한도 안으로 조정을 가두어 놓으면 미래지향적인 조정제도의 성격에도 부합하지 않을 뿐만 아니라 다양한 형태의 합의가능성마저 말살되고 만다. 또한, 조정에 갈음하는 결정이 신청인의 청구의 당부에 대한 해당 중재부의 판단이 아님을 염두에 두어야 한다. 조정에 갈음하는 결정은 어디까지나 당사자들에게 최후적인 조정안을 제시하는 것일 뿐이기 때문이다.

In the conciliation system that is based on an agreement between parties of a dispute, the decision in lieu of the conciliation takes a unique position. This is because the decision in lieu of the conciliation is made when the parties of the dispute fail to reach an agreement. Nonetheless, the decision in lieu of the conciliation has the same effect as conciliation (the same effect as a judicial settlement) in case it satisfies certain conditions. The only reason that the decision in lieu of the conciliation has the same effect as a judicial settlement just as in the case of conciliation is the fact that it obtains agreement of the parties even after it is made. There is not a set definition, in academia or in practice, with regard to the essence of the decision in lieu with the conciliation, which leads to a lot of confusion. There are some factors that make the decision in lieu with the conciliation similar to a trial: Under the law and in practise, the decision in lieu with the conciliation is recorded in a written ruling, not in a protocol; A text is written in the written ruling; The decision is made "unless it is contrary to the facts supporting an application for the submission to conciliation," which has a similar meaning as the principle of disposition, which is being established as a principle of a general civil procedure; And more than anything else, the legitimacy of the claimant's argument is decided by the competent arbitral tribunal. However, the decision in lieu with the conciliation also has factors that are not similar to a trial. The examples include the following: The text is written in "phrases without a strong mandatory connotation" as if there was an agreement between the two parties; The decision takes effect in practice only after the period of application for objection is over; And there should be an agreement between the parties after the decision is made. These factors indicate that the system, just as in the case of conciliation, is based on voluntary agreement or opinions of the parties. It is not an exaggeration to say that such confusion under the law and in practice has been caused by the confusion in the legal essence of the system of the decision in lieu with the conciliation. Thus, in order to resolve this confusion, the conflicting factors must be modified from a consistent perspective. In particular, it is deemed desirable that among the items stated above, those that are legislated under the precondition that the decision in lieu with the conciliation is similar to a trial should be removed or modified if necessary. In other words, in case a decision in lieu with the conciliation is made, it needs to be recorded in a protocol, not in a written ruling. In this case, the protocol, unlike a written ruling, does not need to be signed and sealed by all the arbitration commissioners. The signature and seal by the head of the arbitral tribunal and the case manager is enough, as in the case of other protocols. The final result should also be recorded in the name of "decision items," not of "text". It is also desirable to remove provisions of the Press Arbitration Act that are associated with the principle of disposition. When the conciliation is confined to the extent that it is not contrary to the facts supporting an application of the claimant, that does not correspond to the future-oriented characteristics of the conciliation system, and prevents the possibility of agreements in various forms. Besides, it should be reminded that the decision in lieu with the conciliation is not the judgment of the competent arbitral tribunal on the legitimacy of the claimant's request. This is because the decision in lieu with the conciliation is no more than suggesting a final measure for conciliation to the parties.

In the conciliation system that is based on an agreement between parties of a dispute, the decision in lieu of the conciliation takes a unique position. This is because the decision in lieu of the conciliation is made when the parties of the dispute fail to reach an agreement. Nonetheless, the decision in lieu of the conciliation has the same effect as conciliation (the same effect as a judicial settlement) in case it satisfies certain conditions. The only reason that the decision in lieu of the conciliation has the same effect as a judicial settlement just as in the case of conciliation is the fact that it obtains agreement of the parties even after it is made. There is not a set definition, in academia or in practice, with regard to the essence of the decision in lieu with the conciliation, which leads to a lot of confusion. There are some factors that make the decision in lieu with the conciliation similar to a trial: Under the law and in practise, the decision in lieu with the conciliation is recorded in a written ruling, not in a protocol; A text is written in the written ruling; The decision is made "unless it is contrary to the facts supporting an application for the submission to conciliation," which has a similar meaning as the principle of disposition, which is being established as a principle of a general civil procedure; And more than anything else, the legitimacy of the claimant's argument is decided by the competent arbitral tribunal. However, the decision in lieu with the conciliation also has factors that are not similar to a trial. The examples include the following: The text is written in "phrases without a strong mandatory connotation" as if there was an agreement between the two parties; The decision takes effect in practice only after the period of application for objection is over; And there should be an agreement between the parties after the decision is made. These factors indicate that the system, just as in the case of conciliation, is based on voluntary agreement or opinions of the parties. It is not an exaggeration to say that such confusion under the law and in practice has been caused by the confusion in the legal essence of the system of the decision in lieu with the conciliation. Thus, in order to resolve this confusion, the conflicting factors must be modified from a consistent perspective. In particular, it is deemed desirable that among the items stated above, those that are legislated under the precondition that the decision in lieu with the conciliation is similar to a trial should be removed or modified if necessary. In other words, in case a decision in lieu with the conciliation is made, it needs to be recorded in a protocol, not in a written ruling. In this case, the protocol, unlike a written ruling, does not need to be signed and sealed by all the arbitration commissioners. The signature and seal by the head of the arbitral tribunal and the case manager is enough, as in the case of other protocols. The final result should also be recorded in the name of "decision items," not of "text". It is also desirable to remove provisions of the Press Arbitration Act that are associated with the principle of disposition. When the conciliation is confined to the extent that it is not contrary to the facts supporting an application of the claimant, that does not correspond to the future-oriented characteristics of the conciliation system, and prevents the possibility of agreements in various forms. Besides, it should be reminded that the decision in lieu with the conciliation is not the judgment of the competent arbitral tribunal on the legitimacy of the claimant's request. This is because the decision in lieu with the conciliation is no more than suggesting a final measure for conciliation to the parties.